Example vs. Sample

In this lesson, we are going to work on the details of these two words. You're also invited to share your knowledge with us.

"Example" vs. "Sample" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both of these words refer to an illustration of something. However, an 'example' is one that is mentioned in order to support one's claim. 'Sample', on the other hand, indicates a physical object that show what the thing we are talking about is actually like.


As stated above, 'example' is used when we want to support what we are saying. For example:

Some examples of extinct animals are dinosaurs and mammoths.

I asked the professor to give me examples of some poems about black women back in the 1800s.

'Sample', on the other hand, is when we have a physical object that clearly shows what we are talking about. Look below:

The doctor asked for my blood sample.

When are you going to make a sample of it?


Both refer to illustrating something. Check out below:

If you don't have a sample, people cannot understand what you're offering.

An example of a desert would be the Sahara.

Are They Interchangeable?

They cannot be used interchangeably. One refers to a physical object showing the theory, whereas, the other refers to giving further data to support our claim. Compare:

✓ One of the most important issued in today's teaching methodology is that you have to provide as many examples as you can for the students.

X One of the most important issued in today's teaching methodology is that you have to provide as many samples as you can for the students.

As you can see, this one does not make sense.


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