Kindness vs. Understanding

Ladies and gentlemen, today I've decided to delve into the differences and similarities of these two. Do you like to analyze them? Well, c'mon.

"Kindness" vs. "Understanding" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

They both indicate showing empathy to others. However, 'kindness' is more about doing good to other creatures in need of help, whereas, 'understanding' is mainly about putting yourself in another person's shoes and feeling their emotions, instead of judging them.


As stated above, 'kindness' is more about doing good to everyone around us, especially when they need help. Take a look at the examples below:

Not many people has treated me with kindness.

One act of kindness and he is all yours.

'Understanding' is more about putting yourself into other people's shoes and feeling their emotions, especially when they are going through a difficult phase in life. It indicates sympathy other than judgement. Look at the examples below:

A lack of understanding usually leads to separation.

Understanding me is not that difficult, is it?


Both refer to sympathizing with other beings. Check out the examples below:

One of the important things in a healthy relationship is to have mutual understanding.

All I ever wanted was to be treated with kindness.

Are They Interchangeable?

Although they are both used in the same context, they cannot be used interchangeably. 'Understanding' is more about feeling others' emotions, whereas, 'kindness' is an action. Compare:

✓ No, I don't kill her with kindness. I'd rather abuse her the way she did to me.

X No, I don't kill her with understanding. I'd rather abuse her the way she did to me.


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