
This time, we will delve into the details of 'ps'. Let's see what we can get out of here. I'm sure you won't regret having spent time with us.

English Multigraph "ps"

The two consonants 'p' and 's' create the digraph 'ps' that is going to be analyzed in this lesson.

Digraphs are a set of two letters that stand together and produce a new sound.

Digraph ps
Name ps (pronounced /ˈpee ˈes/)
Sound(s) /s/

The Digraph 'ps'

Main Sound: /s/

'ps' always comes at the beginning of simple words and sounds /s/:

psycho /ˈsaɪ.koʊ/

pseudonym /ˈsuː.də.nɪm/

psephology /sɪˈfɑː.lə.dʒi/

psilocybin /ˌsaɪ.ləˈsaɪ.bɪn/

psaltery /ˈsɔl.tɹi/


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