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الآفات الحشرية والطفيليات

1 / 43
cotton bollworm
bean fly
field cricket
brown marmorated stink bug
fall armyworm
green stink bug
greenhouse whitefly
leaf beetle
rutherglen bug
silverleaf whitefly
green vegetable bug
black field earwig
bean pod borer
tobacco whitefly
two-spotted spider mite
red spider mite
diamondback moth
taro caterpillar
red flour beetle
green peach aphid
cotton aphid
brown planthopper
dog flea
American dog tick
cat flea
woolly aphid
Cotton bollworm
us flag
/kˈɑːʔn̩ bˈɑːlwɜːm/
(يرقة دودة القطن)

(يرقة دودة القطن)

دودة اللوز القطنية


the larva of a noctuid moth that feeds on the reproductive structures of cotton plants and other crops

What is a "cotton bollworm"?

A cotton bollworm is a common insect pest that affects various crops, including cotton, corn, and soybeans. It is a type of moth whose larvae feed on the reproductive structures of these plants, such as the bolls in cotton or the ears in corn. The cotton bollworm larvae are typically green or brown in color and can cause significant damage to crops by consuming the developing seeds or kernels. They are known for their ability to adapt to different host plants and can be challenging to control.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
cotton bollworm
us flag
الإضافة الصوتية




a small bug that sucks the sap of a plant and reproduces without mating

What is an "aphid"?

An aphid is a small insect that belongs to the order Hemiptera. It is commonly found on plants and is known for its ability to feed on plant sap using its specialized mouthparts. Aphids come in various colors, such as green, brown, or black, and can reproduce rapidly, leading to infestations. They are considered pests in agriculture and gardening as they can cause damage to crops and ornamental plants by weakening their growth, deforming leaves and stems, and spreading diseases. Aphids also secrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract other pests and promote the growth of sooty mold.

Bean fly
us flag
/biːn flaɪ/
(حشرة الفاصوليا)

(حشرة الفاصوليا)

ذبابة الفاصوليا


a small insect that feeds on beans and can cause significant damage to crops

What is a "bean fly"?

A bean fly is a small insect belonging to the family Agromyzidae, known for its damage to bean plants. Adult bean flies lay their eggs on the leaves, stems, or pods of bean plants. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae burrow into the plant tissue and feed on the plant's sap, causing stunted growth, leaf discoloration, and even plant death in severe infestations. The damage caused by bean flies can significantly reduce crop yield and quality. Bean fly infestations are commonly managed through cultural practices like crop rotation, removal of infested plants, and the use of insecticides when necessary.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
bean fly
Field cricket
us flag
/fˈiːld kɹˈɪkɪt/
(جراد الحقول)

(جراد الحقول)

جرجس الحقول


a cricket species that typically lives in meadows, fields, and other grassy areas

What is a "field cricket"?

A field cricket is a type of cricket commonly found in grassy fields and meadows. It is known for its distinctive chirping sound produced by rubbing its wings together. Field crickets are usually brown or black in color and have long, slender bodies. They are active during the warm months and are known for their agile jumping ability. Field crickets primarily feed on plant material, including grasses and leaves.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Brown marmorated stink bug
us flag
/bɹaʊn mɑːɹmɚɹeɪɾᵻd stɪŋk bʌɡ/
(حشرات بنية مرمرية)

(حشرات بنية مرمرية)

خفاش كريمي بني


a pest insect known for causing damage to various crops and emitting a foul odor when disturbed

What is a "brown marmorated stink bug"?

A brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive insect known for its distinctive brown coloration and shield-shaped body. Originally from Asia, it has spread to various parts of the world, including North America and Europe. The stink bug gets its name from the unpleasant odor it releases when threatened or crushed. It feeds on a wide range of plants, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental crops, which can cause significant damage to agricultural and horticultural industries. The brown marmorated stink bug is a nuisance to homeowners as well, as it seeks shelter indoors during the colder months.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag
الإضافة الصوتية


دودة قطع


the caterpillar of various species of noctuid moths that cut down young plants at or below the soil surface

What is a "cutworm"?

A cutworm is a common pest that belongs to the larvae stage of various moth species. These caterpillars are known for their habit of cutting through the stems of young plants, hence the name "cutworm." They primarily feed on the stems and foliage of a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. Cutworms are nocturnal and tend to hide in the soil during the day, emerging at night to feed on plants. Their feeding can cause severe damage to young seedlings, often resulting in the complete destruction of the plant. Controlling cutworm populations typically involves preventive measures such as crop rotation, using physical barriers, and applying appropriate insecticides.

Fall armyworm
us flag
/fˈɔːl ˈɑːɹmɪwˌɜːm/
(دودة الجيش الكبيرة)

(دودة الجيش الكبيرة)

دودة جيش الخريف


a moth caterpillar that is considered a major pest of maize and other crops in the Americas

What is a "fall armyworm"?

A fall armyworm is a destructive pest that primarily affects crops such as maize, rice, sorghum, and other grassy plants. It is the larval stage of a moth species. Fall armyworms are named for their behavior of forming large groups and moving in an "army-like" manner, causing significant damage to vegetation in their path. They have a voracious appetite and can rapidly devour crops, leading to yield loss and economic impact on agricultural communities. Fall armyworms are highly mobile and can quickly spread to new areas, making their control challenging.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Green stink bug
us flag
/ɡɹiːn stɪŋk bʌɡ/
(حشرة ذات رائحة كريهة خضراء)

(حشرة ذات رائحة كريهة خضراء)

الحشرة الخضراء


a type of plant-eating insect with a bright green body and a distinct triangular shape

What is a "green stink bug"?

A green stink bug is a common agricultural pest known for its distinctive green coloration and foul odor. It belongs to the family Pentatomidae and is found in various regions around the world. Green stink bugs feed on a wide range of crops and plants, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. They have piercing-sucking mouthparts that they use to puncture plant tissues and extract sap, causing damage to crops and reducing yield. In addition to their feeding damage, green stink bugs can also transmit pathogens that further contribute to crop losses.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Greenhouse whitefly
us flag
/ɡɹˈiːnhaʊs wˈaɪtflaɪ/
(ذبابة بيضاء في البيوت المحمية)

(ذبابة بيضاء في البيوت المحمية)

ذبابة بيضاء للصوبات


a small insect that is a common pest of greenhouse-grown crops

What is a "greenhouse whitefly"?

A greenhouse whitefly is a small, sap-sucking insect with white wings that is commonly found in greenhouses and indoor gardens. It feeds on the sap of plants, causing damage and transmitting plant diseases. The adult whiteflies lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves, and the nymphs that hatch from these eggs can quickly infest a plant. The presence of greenhouse whiteflies can lead to stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and the production of sticky honeydew. Effective pest management strategies are often employed to control and minimize their population in greenhouse environments.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
greenhouse whitefly
Leaf beetle
us flag
/lˈiːf bˈiːɾəl/
(خنفساء الأوراق)

(خنفساء الأوراق)

خنافس الأوراق


a type of beetle that feeds on the foliage of plants

What is a "leaf beetle"?

A leaf beetle is a small insect that belongs to the family Chrysomelidae. It is named for its feeding habits, as it primarily feeds on the leaves of plants. Leaf beetles come in a variety of colors and patterns, ranging from metallic hues to vibrant patterns. They have a compact body shape and hardened elytra (wing covers) that protect their delicate wings. Leaf beetles can be found in diverse habitats worldwide, and many species are considered pests of agricultural crops and ornamental plants. They have specialized mouthparts adapted for chewing, allowing them to consume plant tissues. Some leaf beetles possess defensive mechanisms, such as emitting foul-smelling chemicals or playing dead, to deter predators.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag
الإضافة الصوتية




a large grasshopper that lives in hot countries and flies in large swarms, destroying crops

What is a "locust"?

A locust is a type of grasshopper known for its ability to undergo swarming behavior and form destructive locust plagues. Locusts are characterized by their long hind legs adapted for jumping and their ability to fly over long distances. They are usually brown or green in color, blending in with their surroundings. Locusts feed on vegetation and can consume vast amounts of crops, leading to severe agricultural damage. Their swarming behavior is triggered by certain environmental conditions, such as high population densities and favorable weather conditions.

us flag
(عائلة الميريد)

(عائلة الميريد)



a family of bugs, commonly known as plant bugs, that feed on the sap of plants

What is a "mirid"?

A mirid is a type of insect belonging to the family Miridae. Mirids are small to medium-sized bugs with slender bodies and distinctively shaped antennae. They are found in a wide range of habitats, including gardens, agricultural fields, and natural ecosystems. Mirids feed on plant tissues, including leaves, stems, and fruits, using their piercing-sucking mouthparts to extract plant juices. Some species of mirids are considered beneficial as they prey on other plant-feeding insects, helping to control pest populations. However, certain mirid species can also be agricultural pests, causing damage to crops.

Rutherglen bug
us flag
/ɹuːðɚɡlən bʌɡ/
(باغي راذرغلين)

(باغي راذرغلين)

حشرة راذرغلين


an insect pest that feeds on a variety of crops and fruits, and is known for causing damage to the plants

What is a "rutherglen bug"?

A rutherglen bug is a small insect belonging to the family Lygaeidae. It is commonly found in Australia and New Zealand. The rutherglen bug has a distinctive oval-shaped body and is usually brown or green in color. It feeds on the sap of various plants, including grapes, citrus, and vegetables. The bug can be a pest in agricultural settings as it can cause damage to crops by sucking the plant juices and transmitting plant diseases. In addition to its agricultural impact, the rutherglen bug is also known for its strong odor when disturbed, which can be unpleasant.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Silverleaf whitefly
us flag
/sɪlvɚliːf waɪtflaɪ/
(ذبابة بيضاء فضية)

(ذبابة بيضاء فضية)

ذبابة بيضاء على أوراق الفضة


a small insect that feeds on the undersides of leaves, causing damage to crops and transmitting plant viruses

What is a "silverleaf whitefly"?

A silverleaf whitefly is a tiny insect that belongs to the family Aleyrodidae. It is a common pest found in many regions worldwide, particularly in warm and tropical climates. The adult whiteflies have a small, moth-like appearance with powdery white wings. They feed on the sap of plants, including various agricultural crops and ornamental plants. The silverleaf whitefly is notorious for causing damage to plants by extracting sap, which can weaken the plant, stunt its growth, and even transmit plant viruses.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag
الإضافة الصوتية
(تريبس (حشرة))

(تريبس (حشرة))



a small, slender insect with fringed wings that feeds on plant tissues and can transmit plant viruses

What is a "thrips"?

A thrips is a small, slender insect belonging to the order Thysanoptera. They are characterized by their elongated bodies and fringed wings. Thrips can be found in various habitats, including gardens, fields, and forests. They feed on plant tissues by piercing and sucking out the contents, causing damage to leaves, flowers, and fruits. Some species of thrips are considered agricultural pests as they can cause significant damage to crops. In addition to their feeding habits, thrips are known for their ability to transmit plant viruses, making them a concern for farmers and horticulturists.

us flag
(يرقة خنفساء النقر)

(يرقة خنفساء النقر)

ديدان الأسلاك


the larval stage of click beetles and is a common agricultural pest that feeds on the roots and stems of various crops

What is a "wireworm"?

A wireworm is the larval stage of certain click beetle species, characterized by its elongated, cylindrical body and hard exoskeleton. These soil-dwelling pests feed on plant roots, seeds, and other underground plant parts, posing a threat to agricultural crops. Wireworms can be a significant agricultural pest, causing damage to young plants and reducing crop yield.

us flag




small, soil-dwelling arthropods that lack eyes and antennae, and are known for their elongated bodies and numerous leg-like structures called "pseudopods."

What are "symphyla"?

Symphyla, also known as garden centipedes or pseudocentipedes, are small, soil-dwelling arthropods that belong to the class Symphyla. They have a segmented body and numerous pairs of legs, typically ranging from 10 to 30 pairs. Symphyla are considered ancient relatives of centipedes and millipedes. They are typically found in moist soil habitats, feeding on decaying organic matter and plant roots. Symphyla play a role in soil ecosystem processes but can also be considered pests in some agricultural systems due to their feeding on plant roots.

us flag
الإضافة الصوتية




a very small creature that lives on plants, animals, or in carpets

What is a "mite"?

A mite is a tiny arthropod belonging to the subclass Acari. Mites are characterized by their small size, usually less than 1 mm in length, and their eight legs. They are found in a wide range of habitats, including soil, water, plants, and animals. Mites are incredibly diverse and can be herbivores, predators, parasites, or scavengers, depending on the species. Some mites are important in agricultural systems as beneficial predators that feed on pests, while others can be pests themselves, causing damage to crops or transmitting diseases.

us flag
(الصراصير الدقيقتان)

(الصراصير الدقيقتان)

حشرة البق الدقيقي


a small sap-sucking insect covered in a powdery wax coating that feeds on plant sap and can cause damage to crops and ornamental plants

What is a "mealybug"?

A mealybug is a small insect that belongs to the family Pseudococcidae. It is characterized by its soft, oval-shaped body covered in a powdery white wax-like substance, giving it a mealy or cottony appearance. Mealybugs are typically found on plants, where they feed on sap by piercing the plant tissues with their long, slender mouthparts. They are known as pests in agriculture and horticulture because they can cause damage to plants by sucking out their juices, leading to stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and wilting. Mealybugs can also secrete honeydew, a sticky substance that promotes the growth of black sooty mold.

us flag
الإضافة الصوتية
(دودة التغريبة)

(دودة التغريبة)



a type of caterpillar that moves by contracting its body and has a characteristic looping or "inching" gait

What is a "looper"?

A looper is the larval stage of certain moth species. They are characterized by their unique mode of locomotion, where they move in a looping or inching motion. The name "looper" comes from their distinctive movement pattern, where they arch their bodies and extend forward, resembling the movement of an inchworm. Loopers are known for their voracious appetite and can be found feeding on various plants, often causing damage to leaves and foliage.

Green vegetable bug
us flag
/ɡɹiːn vɛdʒɪɾəbəl bʌɡ/
(حشرة خضراء للخضروات)

(حشرة خضراء للخضروات)

خنفساء خضراء نباتية


a species of stink bug that feeds on a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and other plants

What is a "green vegetable bug"?

A green vegetable bug is a common agricultural pest that feeds on a wide range of crops, particularly vegetables. It is named for its bright green coloration and distinctive shield-shaped body. These bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts that they use to pierce plant tissues and extract sap, causing damage to leaves, stems, and fruits. Their feeding can lead to cosmetic blemishes and reduced crop quality. Green vegetable bugs are highly adaptable and can reproduce rapidly, making them a significant concern for farmers. Effective pest management strategies, such as the use of insecticides or biological control methods, are employed to minimize their impact on agricultural production.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag



a genus of moths in the family Pyralidae whose larvae are agricultural pests that attack legumes such as cowpeas, beans, and soybeans

What is an "etiella"?

An etiella is a small moth belonging to the family Pyralidae. It is a major pest of legume crops, particularly cowpea, soybean, and pigeon pea. The adult moths are brown in color and have a wingspan of about 15-20 millimeters. The larvae of Etiella bore into the pods and seeds of the host plants, causing extensive damage. They feed on the developing seeds, resulting in reduced yield and quality of the crop. Etiella has a rapid life cycle and can complete multiple generations in a year, making it a challenging pest to manage.

Black field earwig
us flag
/blæk fiːld ɪɹwɪɡ/
صراصير الحقل السوداء

صراصير الحقل السوداء


a type of earwig found in Australia

What is a "black field earwig"?

A black field earwig is a species of earwig found in various regions around the world. It is characterized by its elongated body, dark brown or black coloration, and prominent pincers at the rear end. These insects are commonly found in agricultural fields, gardens, and other outdoor habitats. Despite their intimidating appearance, black field earwigs are generally harmless to humans and play a beneficial role in the ecosystem by feeding on decaying plant matter and other small insects.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Bean pod borer
us flag
/biːn pɑːd boːɹɚ/
خنفساء قرون الفاصولياء

خنفساء قرون الفاصولياء


a type of pest insect that infests and damages the pods of bean plants

What is a "bean pod borer"?

A bean pod borer is a destructive pest that primarily affects leguminous crops, particularly beans. It is a small moth belonging to the family Crambidae. The adult bean pod borer has a wingspan of about 15-20 millimeters and is typically gray or brown in color. The larvae of this pest bore into the pods of bean plants, feeding on the developing seeds. This feeding activity leads to reduced crop yield and quality. The infested pods often show signs of damage, including entry holes and frass. The bean pod borer is a significant agricultural pest in many regions, causing economic losses to farmers.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag
(دودة الجيش)

(دودة الجيش)

دودة الجيوش


a type of moth larvae that feeds on the leaves and stems of a variety of crops, and can cause significant damage to agricultural fields

What is an "armyworm"?

Armyworm refers to the larval stage of certain moth species, including Spodoptera frugiperda and Mythimna unipuncta. These pests are named "armyworms" due to their behavior of moving in large groups, resembling an advancing army. Armyworms are destructive agricultural pests that feed on a wide range of crops, including corn, wheat, rice, and grasses. They have voracious appetites and can cause significant damage to crops by defoliating plants and consuming leaves, stems, and even developing seeds. The larvae are typically green or brown in color, with distinctive stripes along their bodies.

Tobacco whitefly
us flag
/təbækoʊ waɪtflaɪ/
(ذباب التبغ الأبيض)

(ذباب التبغ الأبيض)

ذبابة بيضاء التبغ


a small, sap-sucking insect that can cause significant damage to tobacco plants by feeding on their leaves and transmitting viruses

What is a "tobacco whitefly"?

Tobacco whitefly is a small insect belonging to the family Aleyrodidae. It is a common pest that infests a wide range of plants, including tobacco, vegetables, and ornamental plants. The whitefly gets its name from its tiny white wings, which are covered in a powdery wax-like substance. These pests feed on plant sap by piercing the leaves and stems with their mouthparts. In addition to causing direct damage through feeding, tobacco whiteflies also excrete honeydew, a sticky substance that can promote the growth of black sooty mold and attract other pests.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Two-spotted spider mite
us flag
/tuːspɑːɾᵻd spaɪdɚ maɪt/
(العنكبوت ذو البقعتين)

(العنكبوت ذو البقعتين)

العنكبوت الأحمر ذو البقعتين


a common agricultural pest that feeds on a variety of plants by piercing the leaves and sucking out their fluids

What is a "two-spotted spider mite"?

A two-spotted spider mite is a tiny arachnid that is considered a major pest in agriculture. It is named after the two distinct dark spots found on its body. These spider mites are commonly found on a variety of crops and ornamental plants, where they feed on plant sap by piercing the cells with their mouthparts. The damage caused by two-spotted spider mites includes yellowing and wilting of leaves, webbing between leaves and stems, and the overall decline in plant health. These pests reproduce rapidly, with females laying hundreds of eggs, leading to rapid population growth.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Red spider mite
us flag
/ɹˈɛd spˈaɪdɚ mˈaɪt/
(قراد أحمر)

(قراد أحمر)

عنكبوت أحمر


a tiny bug that can harm plants by drinking their sap, but it can be dealt with using sprays or other bugs that eat them

What is a "red spider mite"?

A red spider mite, also known as the two-spotted spider mite, is a tiny arachnid that feeds on plant sap and is a common pest in gardens and agricultural crops. It has a reddish or greenish coloration and produces fine silk webs on infested plants. Red spider mites can cause damage to plants by sucking the juices from leaves, resulting in yellowing, wilting, and eventual decline of the plant's health. They are known for their rapid reproductive rate and ability to develop resistance to pesticides, making them a challenging pest to control.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Diamondback moth
us flag
/daɪəməndbæk mɑːθ/
(عث الماس)

(عث الماس)

فراشة الماس


a small moth that is a major pest of brassica crops, and its larvae can cause significant damage by feeding on leaves and buds

What is a "diamondback moth"?

A diamondback moth is a small but destructive pest that primarily infests brassica crops such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. It is named after the distinct diamond-shaped markings on its wings. The larvae of the diamondback moth feed voraciously on the leaves, causing significant damage by creating irregular holes and extensive defoliation. This pest is known for its ability to develop resistance to insecticides, making control challenging.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Taro caterpillar
us flag
/tæɹoʊ kæɾɚpɪlɚ/
(دودة التارو)

(دودة التارو)

يرقة التارو


a pest insect that feeds on taro plants, causing significant damage to the leaves and tubers

What is a "taro caterpillar"?

A taro caterpillar is a caterpillar stage of a butterfly that specifically targets taro plants. This insect is known for its distinct appearance, featuring a vibrant coloration with black and yellow bands along its body. Taro caterpillars feed voraciously on the leaves of taro plants, causing significant damage to the foliage. Their feeding can weaken the plant, leading to reduced growth and productivity. Farmers often implement control measures, such as manual removal, insecticides, and biological control agents, to manage taro caterpillar populations and protect taro crops from extensive damage.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Red flour beetle
us flag
/ɹɛd flaɪʊɹ biːɾəl/
خنفساء الدقيق الحمراء

خنفساء الدقيق الحمراء


a small, reddish-brown beetle that feeds on stored grains and flour products

What is a "red flour beetle"?

A red flour beetle is a small reddish-brown beetle that infests stored grains and flour products. These beetles are common pests in food storage facilities and households, where they can cause significant damage to stored grains, cereals, and processed foods. The red flour beetle feeds on a variety of plant-based materials, including flour, cereal, and dried fruits. They have a rapid reproductive cycle, allowing their populations to grow quickly under favorable conditions. Infestations of red flour beetles can result in contamination and spoilage of food products, leading to economic losses.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Green peach aphid
us flag
/ɡɹˈiːn pˈiːtʃ ˈeɪfɪd/
(منّ أخضر)

(منّ أخضر)

منّ الخوخ الأخضر


a small, green-colored aphid species that feeds on various plants, including peaches, peppers, and potatoes

What is a "green peach aphid"?

A green peach aphid is a small insect that infests various plants, including peach trees, as well as other crops like vegetables and ornamental plants. These aphids are light green in color and feed by piercing the plant's tissues and extracting sap, which can lead to stunted growth and deformation of the host plants. The green peach aphid is a notorious pest due to its ability to rapidly reproduce and transmit plant viruses. Infestations of these aphids can result in significant damage to agricultural crops and cause economic losses for farmers.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
green peach aphid
Cotton aphid
us flag
/kɑːʔn̩ eɪfɪd/
(فطريات القطن)

(فطريات القطن)

منّ القطن


a small insect that feeds on the sap of cotton plants, causing damage to the crop

What is a "cotton aphid"?

A cotton aphid is a common pest that affects cotton plants and other crops. These small insects are typically green or yellowish in color and feed on the sap of the host plants. Cotton aphids can reproduce rapidly, leading to population explosions under favorable conditions. Infestations of cotton aphids can cause significant damage to cotton crops by stunting plant growth, reducing yield, and transmitting plant diseases. Farmers employ various management techniques to control cotton aphid populations, including the use of insecticides, natural predators, and resistant crop varieties.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Brown planthopper
us flag
/bɹaʊn plænθɑːpɚ/
(الحشرة البنية المتسلقة)

(الحشرة البنية المتسلقة)

صائد النباتات البني


a small, brown-colored insect with piercing-sucking mouthparts that feeds on the sap of rice plants, causing damage to the plants and reducing crop yields

What is a "brown planthopper"?

A brown planthopper is a destructive pest that primarily infests rice crops. These small insects are brown in color and have wings that enable them to fly and spread to new fields. Brown planthoppers feed on the sap of rice plants, causing yellowing, wilting, and ultimately, plant death. They can reproduce rapidly, leading to population outbreaks that can devastate entire rice fields. Integrated pest management strategies, including cultural practices, biological control agents, and judicious use of insecticides, are employed to manage brown planthopper infestations and minimize crop losses.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Dog flea
us flag
/dˈɑːɡ flˈiː/
(برغوث كلب)

(برغوث كلب)

برغوث الكلب


a parasitic insect that feeds on the blood of dogs and other animals, and can transmit diseases

What is a "dog flea"?

A dog flea is a parasitic insect that specifically infests dogs and other canines. These small, wingless fleas have laterally flattened bodies and powerful hind legs, enabling them to jump long distances and easily move through the fur of their hosts. Dog fleas feed on the blood of dogs, causing itching, irritation, and discomfort for the infested animals. They can also transmit diseases and parasites, such as tapeworms, to their hosts. Effective flea control measures, including regular grooming, use of flea control products, and environmental management, are important to prevent and treat infestations.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
American dog tick
us flag
/ɐmˈɛɹɪkən dˈɑːɡ tˈɪk/
(قراد الكلب الأمريكي)

(قراد الكلب الأمريكي)

قراد أمريكي


a tick species prevalent in North America that can transmit diseases to both dogs and humans

What is an "American dog tick"?

The American dog tick is a common tick species found in North America. These ticks are brown in color with distinctive white or cream-colored markings on their backs. They primarily infest dogs but can also parasitize other animals and humans. American dog ticks are known carriers of various diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia, which can be transmitted to their hosts through their bites. They are most active during the spring and summer months and prefer wooded areas and grassy fields. It is important to promptly remove and dispose of any attached ticks to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
Cat flea
us flag
/kˈæt flˈiː/
(برغوث القطط)

(برغوث القطط)

برغوث القط


a small, blood-sucking insect that commonly infests cats, causing discomfort and potential health issues

What is a "cat flea"?

A cat flea is a common ectoparasite that infests domestic cats and occasionally dogs. It is a small, wingless insect that feeds on the blood of its host, causing irritation, itching, and sometimes transmitting diseases. Cat fleas are agile jumpers and can quickly infest an entire household if left untreated. Effective flea control measures, such as regular pet grooming, use of flea preventives, and maintaining a clean living environment, are essential for managing cat flea infestations and ensuring the health and comfort of pets.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag
الإضافة الصوتية
(حشرة السرير)

(حشرة السرير)

بق الفراش


a small brownish bug with an oval shape that feeds on the blood of humans or animals, mainly infesting houses and beds

What is a "bedbug"?

A bedbug is a nocturnal insect with a flat, oval-shaped body and a reddish-brown color, known for its ability to hide in cracks and crevices. It feeds on the blood of its hosts during the night, leaving behind itchy bites that can cause discomfort and irritation. Bedbugs are resilient pests that can infest homes, hotels, and other environments, requiring thorough extermination measures to eliminate their presence.

us flag
الإضافة الصوتية



a small leaping insect that feeds on the blood of humans or other animals, which spreads disease

What is a "flea"?

A flea is a small, wingless insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds. It has a laterally compressed body, enabling it to move quickly through the fur or feathers of its host. Fleas are known for their jumping ability, which allows them to move from host to host. They can cause itching and discomfort for their hosts, and in some cases, transmit diseases. Effective flea control measures often involve treating both the infested animal and its environment to prevent further infestations.

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الإضافة الصوتية


بعوضة صغيرة


a tiny insect of the diptera order that bites and forms large swarms

What is a "gnat"?

A gnat is a small flying insect belonging to the family Culicidae. It is characterized by its slender body and long legs and is often found in damp or marshy areas. Gnats are known for their annoying habit of swarming around humans and animals, especially in the warmer months. They are attracted to moisture and can be a nuisance, as well as potential carriers of diseases. While most gnats are harmless, some species can bite and cause itching or allergic reactions. Controlling gnats often involves eliminating their breeding sites and using repellents or traps to keep them away.

us flag
الإضافة الصوتية
نمل الأبيض

نمل الأبيض


a pale social insect living in hot countries that causes damage to trees and timber

What is a "termite"?

A termite is a small, social insect belonging to the order Isoptera. It is known for its ability to feed on wood and other cellulose-based materials, making it a potential threat to buildings and wooden structures. Termites live in large colonies and have a complex social structure, with specialized castes such as workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals. They play a vital role in ecosystems by breaking down dead plant material but can become a problem when they infest human habitats. Termite colonies construct elaborate nests or mounds and are capable of causing significant damage if left unchecked.

Woolly aphid
us flag
/wˈʊli ˈeɪfɪd/
(حشرة قطنية)

(حشرة قطنية)

منّ الحشرات الصوفية


a small insect with a fluffy, wool-like covering that infests plants and feeds on their sap

What is a "woolly aphid"?

A woolly aphid is a small insect that belongs to the Aphididae family. It is characterized by a fluffy, wool-like covering that protects its body. Woolly aphids typically feed on plant sap by inserting their mouthparts into plant tissues. They are known to infest a variety of plants, including fruit trees, ornamental plants, and woody shrubs. The woolly coating not only helps protect them from predators and environmental conditions but also serves as camouflage. Infestations of woolly aphids can lead to stunted growth, distorted leaves, and a decline in plant health.

معلومات نحوية:

اسم مركب
us flag
الإضافة الصوتية




a small parasitic insect that lives and feeds on the body of warm-blooded animals

What is a "louse"?

A louse is a parasitic insect that typically infests the hair or feathers of animals, including humans, and feeds on their blood. These small insects have flattened bodies and specialized mouthparts for piercing the skin and sucking blood. They reproduce rapidly and can spread easily through close contact or shared belongings. Lice infestations, known as pediculosis, can be treated with various methods including insecticidal shampoos and meticulous removal of the insects and their eggs (nits) from the affected area.


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