a liquid used by cars, trucks, etc. as a fuel
(benzin ólom nélkül)
ólommentes benzin
/ʌnlˈɛdɪd ɡˈæsəlˌiːn/
a type of gasoline that does not contain lead additives, used in most modern vehicles
Nyelvtani Információk:
a type of alcohol fuel produced from renewable sources such as corn or sugarcane
a type of fuel used in diesel engines, known for its high energy density and efficiency
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the natural gas that has been compressed to a high pressure for use as a fuel in vehicles
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cseppfolyósított petróleumgáz
/lˈɪkwɪfˌaɪd pətɹˈoʊliːəm ɡˈæs/
a mixture of propane and butane gases stored under pressure as a liquid
Nyelvtani Információk:
a clean and renewable fuel that can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity to power vehicles
a type of liquefied petroleum gas used as a fuel in vehicles
a type of alcohol fuel produced from natural gas, coal, or biomass
(helyettesítő üzemanyag)
alternatív üzemanyag
/ɔːltˈɜːnətˌɪv fjˈuːəl/
any fuel that can be used instead of fossil fuels
Nyelvtani Információk:
(mesterséges üzemanyag)
szintetikus üzemanyag
/sɪnθˈɛɾɪk fjˈuːəl/
a type of fuel produced from renewable or non-renewable resources through chemical processes
Nyelvtani Információk:
a type of fuel made from living matter, such as plants or waste, that can be used as a renewable energy source
a renewable, alternative fuel made from organic materials such as vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking grease
a liquid found deep under the ground that is used as a fuel
a form of energy that is carried by wires, cables, etc. and is used for lighting, heating, driving machines, etc.
a place that sells fuel for cars, buses, bikes, etc.
Nyelvtani Információk:
a place where vehicles can refuel their tanks with gasoline or diesel fuel
Nyelvtani Információk:
a place where electric vehicles can be recharged
Nyelvtani Információk:
to add enough fuel to completely fill the tank of a vehicle
Nyelvtani Információk:
to fill a vehicle or container with fuel or liquid
Nyelvtani Információk:
to replenish the fuel supply of a vehicle or machine
a device at gas stations used to dispense gasoline into vehicles
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(elektromos jármű töltőállomás)
elektromos jármű töltő
/ɪlˈɛktɹɪk vˈiəkəl tʃˈɑːɹdʒɚ/
a device used to recharge electric vehicles
Nyelvtani Információk:
(kevés üzemanyagot fogyasztó)
designed to use less fuel to do the same work
Gratulálok! !
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