a method of treatment in which thin needles are inserted in specific spots on the body, originated in China
Acupuncture is a traditional medical practice originating from China that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It is believed to activate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue, which can enhance natural painkillers and blood flow. Acupuncture is used to ease pain, promote healing, and improve overall well-being. Based on the concept of balancing energy flow through pathways called meridians in the body, it is commonly used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, headaches, and stress. The needles used in acupuncture are very thin and cause minimal discomfort when inserted.
a part of a hospital or a healthcare facility that provides care for patients who do not require an overnight stay
A clinic is a section of a hospital or healthcare facility that provides care to patients who do not need overnight stays. Clinics offer medical services such as consultations, examinations, treatments, and minor procedures. They specialize in various fields such as basic care, specialty care like cardiology or dermatology, or specific treatments such as physical therapy or dental care.
a separate area in a hospital for patients with similar conditions
A ward in a hospital is a section or area where patients with similar medical needs or conditions are placed and cared for. Each ward is typically managed by nurses and healthcare professionals who monitor patients' health, give treatments, and provide ongoing care. Wards can specialize in different medical disciplines such as surgery, pediatrics, or oncology, depending on the hospital's resources and patient needs. The layout of a ward usually includes patient beds, medical equipment, and supplies for healthcare staff to deliver medical treatment and support to patients.
a room in a hospital or clinic equipped to provide emergency care to people in need of immediate medical treatment
An emergency room, often referred to as the ER or emergency department (ED), is a specialized unit within a hospital that provides immediate medical care to patients with urgent health concerns. It is designed to handle medical emergencies such as serious injuries, sudden illnesses, and life-threatening conditions that require immediate attention. The emergency room is staffed by healthcare professionals trained in emergency medicine, including doctors, nurses, and technicians. They work quickly to evaluate patients, control their condition, and provide necessary treatments or actions. The ER also works with other hospital departments for additional care or transfer as needed.
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a field of medicine or a department in a hospital that deals with ear, nose, and throat problems or diseases
ENT stands for Ear, Nose, and Throat, which is a field of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. ENT specialists, also known as otolaryngologists, are trained to manage a wide range of conditions affecting these areas, including ear infections, sinus problems, hearing loss, tonsillitis, voice disorders, and head and neck cancers. They use various diagnostic techniques and treatment options such as medications, surgery, and other therapeutic methods to improve patients' health and quality of life.
a shop where medicines are sold
A pharmacy is a facility where prescription medications and other health-related products are given and sold to patients. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians manage pharmacies, making sure that medications are accurately prepared and given according to prescriptions. Pharmacies also offer counseling on the proper use and potential side effects of medications.
a patient who stays in the hospital while they receive treatment
An inpatient is a person who has been accepted into a hospital or healthcare setting and stays there for at least one night for treatment or observation. Inpatients receive continuous care from medical staff and may undergo surgeries, receive treatments, or be monitored for various health conditions. The term sets them apart from outpatients, who receive care without staying overnight.
a patient who receives treatment in a hospital but does not remain there afterward
the well-being of a person's mind
Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how individuals think, feel, and handle stress or relate to others. Good mental health is important for overall quality of life and involves managing stress, maintaining positive relationships, and dealing with life's challenges effectively. Mental health issues, like depression or anxiety, can impact daily functioning and require support or treatment.
an intense and irrational fear toward a specific thing such as an object, situation, concept, or animal
a doctor who is highly trained in a particular area of medicine
A medical specialist is a doctor who has completed advanced training in a specific area of medicine, allowing them to provide accurate diagnoses, develop targeted treatment plans, and offer advanced care options for complex conditions related to their field of expertise. These specialists focus on particular systems, diseases, or types of care, such as the heart, nervous system, bones and joints, or cancer. Patients are often sent to specialists by their primary care physicians when specialized knowledge or advanced treatments are needed.
a dentist who specializes in the correction, etc. of the position of teeth
An orthodontist is a dental specialist who focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and correcting problems with the alignment and positioning of the teeth and jaws. These specialists address various dental concerns, such as crooked teeth, lack of space in the mouth for teeth, teeth that stick out or are too far back, and gaps between teeth. Orthodontists use a variety of treatments to straighten teeth and improve dental alignment, including braces, clear aligners, retainers, and other devices. They carefully evaluate each patient's unique needs and develop personalized treatment plans to achieve the best possible results, with the goal of improving dental health, function, and appearance.
a trained individual who provides emergency medical care to people before taking them to the hospital
A paramedic is a highly trained emergency medical professional who provides advanced medical care to individuals in urgent or critical situations. These skilled professionals respond to medical emergencies, accidents, and other crises, delivering immediate medical treatment and transportation to hospitals or other healthcare facilities when necessary. Paramedics are trained to evaluate patients, give medications, perform medical procedures such as CPR, defibrillation, and airway management, and help individuals with severe injuries or serious medical conditions until they are in a safer condition. They collaborate with other emergency responders, such as firefighters and police officers, to provide quick and effective medical care in high-pressure situations.
a doctor who specializes in the treatment of children
A pediatrician is a medical doctor who specializes in providing healthcare for infants, children, and teenagers. Pediatricians are trained to diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide range of childhood illnesses, injuries, and developmental issues. They provide routine well-child check-ups, vaccinations, and tests to make sure that children are growing and developing properly. Pediatricians also manage short-term and long-term conditions such as infections, asthma, allergies, and behavioral disorders. They play a crucial role in promoting children's health and well-being, offering guidance to parents on nutrition, safety, and overall child development.
a doctor who performs medical operation
A surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in performing operations, known as surgeries, to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities. Surgeons are trained to carry out a wide range of procedures, from minor to complex operations, often focusing on specific fields such as general surgery, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or cardiovascular surgery. Surgeries typically involve making cuts in a patient's body to manipulate tissues for repair, removal, or replacement of damaged areas. Surgeons also provide care before and after surgery, making sure that patients are well-prepared for the operation and are properly recovering afterward.
(chirurg estetyczny)
chirurg plastyczny
/plˈæstɪk sˈɜːdʒən/
a doctor who performs medical operations to repair body parts or make them look more attractive
A plastic surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures to modify or rebuild various parts of the body. These specialists address a wide range of concerns, including cosmetic improvements, such as breast enlargement, nose reshaping, and fat removal; reconstructive surgery, such as breast reconstruction after breast removal, facial reconstruction after injury, and scar repair; and corrective procedures, such as correcting deformities one was born with or repairing injuries. Plastic surgeons use advanced surgical techniques to achieve desired appearance or function while prioritizing patient safety and well-being. They work closely with their patients to understand their goals and develop personalized treatment plans for their unique needs.
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a qualified person whose job is treating people's mental issues by talking with them instead of giving them drugs
A therapist is a healthcare professional who specializes in treating mental health issues through talk therapy, rather than prescribing medication. These therapists, such as psychologists, counselors, or psychotherapists, work closely with individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and to develop strategies for coping with challenges, improving mental well-being, and achieving personal goals. Talk therapy sessions may involve various approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, or interpersonal therapy, customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client. Therapists provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for clients to express themselves, gain information about their concerns, and work towards positive change and growth.
an operation performed by medical professionals to diagnose, treat, etc. a medical condition or injury
A procedure is a specific method or set of actions taken to diagnose, treat, or manage a health condition. It can range from a simple test, like taking a blood sample, to more complex operations, such as surgery. Procedures are designed to achieve a particular medical goal, such as relieving symptoms, correcting a problem, or gaining information for diagnosis.
Informacje Gramatyczne:
the act of keeping someone or something unharmed
a tissue or organ that is removed from a body and put into another
a medical practice that involves cutting open a body part in order to repair, remove, etc. an organ
Surgery is a medical procedure where a doctor makes a cut to treat or remove parts of the body, repair injuries, or address health issues. It can involve various techniques, such as cutting, stitching, or using specialized tools, and is often performed in a hospital or surgical center. Surgery can be planned in advance or done as an emergency procedure and usually requires anesthesia to ensure the patient does not feel pain during the operation.
a measured amount of drug or medicine that is taken at a given time
a type of medicine that is used to reduce or relieve pain
A painkiller is a type of medication used to alleviate pain. Painkillers work by blocking or reducing the feeling of pain signals in the brain and nervous system. These medications are commonly prescribed or available over-the-counter and are used to manage various types of pain, from mild to intense.
the act of treating mental or physical illnesses
an image of the inside of a body created using X-rays
An X-ray is an image created using a type of radiation that passes through the body to produce pictures of the internal structures. During the X-ray procedure, a small amount of radiation is directed at the area being examined, and a device on the other side captures the radiation that passes through, creating a detailed image. X-rays are commonly used to examine bones, detect fractures, and identify issues in organs or tissues. The images help doctors diagnose conditions, monitor progress, and plan treatments.
(sprzęt oddechowy)
urządzenie oddechowe
/bɹˈiːðɪŋ ˌæpɚɹˈæɾəs/
a piece of equipment with a container that supplies oxygen to a person, used in places or situations in which it is difficult to breathe normally
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relating to the observation, examination, and treatment of patients in a medical setting
to start experiencing symptoms of an illness
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to cause a person or thing to return to a state of physical or emotional health
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to get in bed for sleeping
The idiom "hit the hay" has its origin in the practice of using hay as a common and simple material for making mattresses or bedding in rural areas during the 19th century. The expression captures the idea of going to sleep, often after a day of work or exhaustion, and resting on a bed made of hay. Over time, the phrase has been widely adopted to signify the act of going to sleep or retiring for the night.
to insert a living tissue or an artificial object into the body via medical procedure
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to insert a liquid, especially a drug, into the body by using a syringe
to lose consciousness
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to decrease the amount of pain, stress, etc.
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(of a medical device) to take a picture of a body part often using X-rays for detailed examinations by a specialist
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to bathe under a continuous flow of water, typically for cleansing the body
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