a period of time that a year is divided into, such as winter and summer, with each having three months
the season that comes after fall and in most countries winter is the coldest season
the season that comes after winter, when in most countries the trees and flowers begin to grow again
the season that comes after spring and in most countries summer is the warmest season
the season that comes after summer, when in most countries the color of the leaves change and they fall from the trees
a period of time that is made up of seven days in a calendar
the day that comes after Saturday
Informações Gramaticais:
the day that comes after Sunday
Informações Gramaticais:
the day that comes after Monday
Informações Gramaticais:
the day that comes after Tuesday
Informações Gramaticais:
the day that comes after Wednesday
Informações Gramaticais:
the day that comes after Thursday
Informações Gramaticais:
the day that comes after Friday
Informações Gramaticais:
the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school
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