to pour fat, juices, or other liquid over the surface of food, such as meat or vegetables, while it is cooking
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to cook food in very hot water
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to briefly immerse food in boiling water, often followed by rapid cooling, to preserve color, remove skin, or prepare for freezing
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to cook food at a low temperature with a small amount of liquid in a closed container
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to cook something gently in water just below boiling point
to soak something in liquid in order to get the flavor of it
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to cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water or another liquid
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to prepare food by cooking it in a sealed pot under high pressure
to cook something at a temperature just below boiling, allowing it to bubble gently
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to cook using the steam of boiling water
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to soak or immerse something in a liquid to extract flavors
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to cook something at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container
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(of food, particularly pasta) cooked just enough to still have a firm texture when bitten into, without being overly soft or mushy
a container of hot water used for slow cooking or keeping food warm
A bain-marie, also known as a water bath or double boiler, is a cooking technique used to gently heat or melt delicate ingredients, such as chocolate, custards, or sauces, without burning or curdling them. It involves placing a container of food in a larger pan filled with hot water, which surrounds the food with gentle, indirect heat. The water in the outer pan helps to regulate the temperature and prevents the food from overheating or cooking too quickly.
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a Chinese cooking technique that involves simmering meat in a flavored liquid until it becomes tender and develops a rich red color
Red cooking, also known as Chinese red braising, is a traditional Chinese cooking technique characterized by slow-cooking meats or poultry in a flavorful mixture of soy sauce, sugar, and other spices until they become tender and deeply colored. The name "red cooking" refers to the rich red-brown color that the dish develops during the cooking process. Ingredients such as ginger, garlic, star anise, and cinnamon are often added to the braising liquid to enhance the flavor.
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a cooking technique that involves slow cooking meat in fat at a low temperature, resulting in tender and flavorful meat
Confit is a French cooking technique traditionally used to preserve meat, most commonly duck, goose, or pork, by slow-cooking it in its own fat. The process involves gently cooking the meat at a low temperature in fat until it becomes tender and flavorful. After cooking, the meat can be served, but it is typically stored in the fat, which acts as a protective barrier, preventing air and bacteria from reaching the meat and allowing it to be preserved for an extended period.
to cook something slowly in a large, cylindrical container made from clay, over low heat
to simmer a liquid until it thickens and intensifies in flavor through evaporation
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to subject animal fat to heat, causing it to liquefy and allowing impurities to separate
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to cook something slowly until there is only a small amount of liquid left
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to make a liquid clear or pure by removing suspended matter or impurities
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to partly boil food, especially vegetables
to heat a liquid, especially milk or water until it boils or gets close to that degree
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to make something less strong by adding water to it
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