extremely large in physical dimensions
magnificent in size and appearance
extremely large, heavy, or solid
extremely small
related to techniques or activities performed with a microscope to observe extremely small objects
having a very small size
characterized by a limited or reduced size
describing something that is small enough to fit in a pocket
smaller or less significant in degree or amount
describing something that is smaller than usual, typically in a cute or compact way
extremely small or minuscule in size
extremely small size, typically on the scale of nanometers, which is a billionth of a meter
referring to something that is very small, like a baby animal or a small version of something
smaller than the typical or expected size
having a size that is not too big or too small, but rather in the middle
having a relatively large size
to increase the size or quantity of something
Informações Gramaticais:
to increase the size, scale, or dimensions of something, typically making it larger or more substantial than it was before
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