the island containing England, Scotland, and Wales
the biggest country in East Asia
Informații Gramaticale:
a country in Europe known for its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower
Informații Gramaticale:
a country located in central Europe, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving economy
Informații Gramaticale:
a country in South Asia, the second most populous country
Informații Gramaticale:
a country in Western Asia on the Mediterranean Sea
a country in southern Europe, with a long Mediterranean coastline
Informații Gramaticale:
a country that is in East Asia and made up of many islands
(Republica Populară Democrată Coreeană)
Coreea de Nord
/nˈɔːɹθ kɚɹˈiːə/
an East Asian country situated on the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, characterized by a reclusive and authoritarian regime led by the Kim family
Informații Gramaticale:
a country in South Asia bordered by Iran, Afghanistan, and India
a country located in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east, Belarus to the north, and Poland to the northwest
Informații Gramaticale:
a country in North America that has 50 states
Felicitări! !
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