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Skalbaggar och kackerlackor

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oriental cockroach
German cockroach
giant cockroach
Australian cockroach
Asiatic cockroach
American cockroach
ladybird beetle
deathwatch beetle
stag beetle
may beetle
furniture beetle
potato beetle
Colorado potato beetle
whirligig beetle
water beetle
tiger beetle
spruce bark beetle
snapping beetle
snout beetle
searcher beetle
seed beetle
scarabaeid beetle
sawyer beetle
rove beetle
rose beetle
rhinoceros beetle
oriental beetle
oil beetle
melolonthid beetle
Mexican bean beetle
long-horned beetle
bean beetle
bark beetle
bee beetle
blister beetle
black carpet beetle
bombardier beetle
buffalo carpet beetle
carabid beetle
carpet beetle
clerid beetle
click beetle
darkling groung beetle
darkling beetle
dung beetle
elaterid beetle
flea beetle
fire beetle
flour beetle
ground beetle
green June beetle
Japanese beetle
June beetle
lamellicorn beetle
longicorn beetle
Asian longhorned beetle
Asiatic beetle
boll weevil
seed weevil
rice weevil
pea weevil
flour weevil
black weevil
bean weevil
lightning bug
ant lion
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a large brown insect with a broad body, wings, long legs and antennae, considered a household pest

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The cockroach quickly disappeared into a small crack in the wall.
Cockroaches are known for their ability to survive in various environments.
Cockroaches are nocturnal insects, often coming out at night.
What is a "cockroach"?

A cockroach is a resilient and adaptable insect found worldwide. It is characterized by its flattened body, long antennae, and two pairs of wings, with some species capable of flight. Cockroaches are known for their ability to survive in a variety of environments, from urban areas to tropical forests. They are often associated with unsanitary conditions and can be considered household pests due to their potential to spread diseases and cause allergic reactions. Cockroaches have a reputation for their fast movement and nocturnal behavior, seeking out food and water sources under the cover of darkness.

Grammatiska Information:

Oriental cockroach
us flag
/ˌoːɹɪˈɛntəl kˈɑːkɹoʊtʃ/
(svart kackerlacka)

(svart kackerlacka)

orientalisk kackerlacka


a flightless, dark brown to black cockroach species, known for its slow movement and preference for decaying organic matter

What is an "oriental cockroach"?

An oriental cockroach is a common species in many parts of the world. It is characterized by its shiny, dark brown to black coloration and relatively large size compared to other cockroach species. Unlike some other cockroach species, the oriental cockroach is flightless. It prefers dark and damp environments, such as basements, drains, and crawl spaces, and is often found in urban areas. The oriental cockroach has a slow and lumbering movement, primarily active at night. While it can survive on a wide range of organic matter, the oriental cockroach is particularly attracted to decaying food, garbage, and moist areas.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
oriental cockroach
German cockroach
us flag
/dʒˈɜːmən kˈɑːkɹoʊtʃ/


tysk kackerlacka


a small and adaptable cockroach species commonly found in human dwellings, known for its rapid reproduction

What is a "German cockroach"?

A German cockroach is a small species of cockroach known for its ability to thrive in human dwellings and reproduce rapidly. It has a light brown to tan coloration and is typically around 1/2 to 5/8 inches in length. The German cockroach is commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where food and water sources are plentiful. It is known for its adaptability and nocturnal behavior, quickly scurrying away when disturbed. German cockroaches are prolific breeders, with each female capable of producing hundreds of offspring in her lifetime.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
German cockroach
Giant cockroach
us flag
/dʒˈaɪənt kˈɑːkɹoʊtʃ/
(stor kackerlacka)

(stor kackerlacka)



a larger-sized species of cockroach, known for its size exceeding that of common household cockroaches

What is "giant cockroach"?

Giant cockroach refers to large-sized cockroaches belonging to various species within Blattodea. These cockroaches can grow significantly larger in size compared to common household cockroaches. Some examples include the Madagascar hissing cockroach and the Australian giant burrowing cockroach. Giant cockroaches are typically found in tropical or subtropical regions and have unique characteristics. Despite their intimidating size, many species of giant cockroaches have not considered pests and may play ecological roles, such as decomposers or prey for other animals.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
giant cockroach
Australian cockroach
us flag
/ɔːstɹˈeɪliən kˈɑːkɹoʊtʃ/
(australisk kackerlacka)

(australisk kackerlacka)

australiensisk kackerlacka


a medium-sized reddish-brown cockroach species native to Australia, known for its preference for warm and humid environments

What is an "Australian cockroach"?

An Australian cockroach is a species native to Australia but has spread to other parts of the world. It is a medium-sized cockroach with a reddish-brown color and distinctive yellow markings on its thorax. The Australian cockroach prefers warm and humid environments and is commonly found in outdoor areas such as gardens, leaf litter, and tree bark. It can also enter buildings, especially searching for food and water sources. While not considered a major household pest, the Australian cockroach can become a nuisance when it invades homes and can contaminate food.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Australian cockroach
Asiatic cockroach
us flag
/ˌeɪʃɪˈæɾɪk kˈɑːkɹoʊtʃ/
(kackerlacka från Asien)

(kackerlacka från Asien)

asiatisk kackerlacka


a small cockroach species found in outdoor environments in Asia, characterized by its dark brown to black coloration and ability to fly short distances

What is an "Asiatic cockroach"?

An Asiatic cockroach is a small species of cockroach that is commonly found in outdoor environments, particularly in Asia. It has a dark brown to black coloration and is approximately 10-15 millimeters in length. Unlike other cockroach species, the Asiatic cockroach has wings in both males and females, allowing them to fly short distances. They prefer moist areas such as mulch, leaf litter, and other organic debris. While they are primarily an outdoor species, they can occasionally enter buildings, especially during warm weather.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Asiatic cockroach
American cockroach
us flag
/ɐmˈɛɹɪkən kˈɑːkɹoʊtʃ/
(kackerlacka från Amerika)

(kackerlacka från Amerika)

amerikansk kackerlacka


a large reddish-brown cockroach species commonly found in warm and humid regions

What is an "American cockroach"?

An American cockroach is a large species of cockroach commonly found in warm and humid regions, including the United States and other parts of the world. It has a reddish-brown color and measures about 1.5 to 2 inches in length. The American cockroach prefers dark and damp areas such as basements, sewers, and crawl spaces, but it can also be found in kitchens and bathrooms. It has a broad diet, feeding on various organic materials. While it can be considered a household pest due to its size and potential for transmitting disease-causing organisms, effective sanitation practices and regular maintenance can help prevent infestations.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
American cockroach
us flag




a large, typically black insect, which has a hard case on its back that covers its wings

What is a "beetle"?

A beetle is a fascinating insect with a hard exoskeleton and distinctive wing covers called elytra. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors, showcasing incredible diversity. Beetles can be found in different habitats worldwide, from forests to deserts. They play important roles in ecosystems, serving as decomposers, pollinators, and predators. With their specialized mouthparts, beetles have adapted to feed on a wide range of food sources, including plants, fungi, and other insects. Their ability to fly and their protective exoskeleton make them successful and adaptable insects.

Grammatiska Information:

us flag




a small beetle with a long snout that feeds on seeds and grains, destroying crops

What is a "weevil"?

A weevil is a type of beetle belonging to the family Curculionidae, characterized by its elongated snout and small body size. These insects are known for their herbivorous feeding habits, as they primarily target plants, seeds, and grains. Weevils can be found in various habitats worldwide, including agricultural fields, gardens, and stored food products. Due to their ability to infest and damage crops, they are considered pests in many agricultural settings. Weevils have a unique life cycle, with larvae developing inside seeds or plant tissues. They have a remarkable ability to survive and adapt, making them a challenging pest to control.

us flag




a small flying insect which is usually red with black spots

What is a "ladybug"?

A ladybug is a tiny and colorful insect that belongs to the family Coccinellidae. These beetles are easily recognizable with their rounded shape and vibrant color patterns, often featuring bright red or orange bodies with black spots. Ladybugs are beneficial insects in many ways. They are voracious predators of aphids, mealybugs, and other garden pests, making them natural allies for gardeners and farmers. Ladybugs are also known for their ability to fly and habit of aggregating in large numbers during the cooler months.

Grammatiska Information:

Ladybird beetle
us flag
/lˈeɪdɪbˌɜːd bˈiːɾəl/




a small, colorful insect belonging to the family Coccinellidae, known for its round shape and vibrant coloration

What is a "ladybird beetle"?

A ladybird beetle is a small and colorful insect belonging to the family Coccinellidae. With its characteristic round shape and vibrant coloration, typically red or orange with black spots, the ladybird beetle is easily recognized and cherished by many. These beetles are beneficial insects in the garden and agricultural settings as they are voracious predators of aphids and other pests. Ladybird beetles play a crucial role in natural pest control, helping to keep populations of harmful insects in check. They are also known for their ability to fly and their habit of aggregating in large numbers during certain periods.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
ladybird beetle
Deathwatch beetle
us flag
/dˈɛθwɑːtʃ bˈiːɾəl/
(beetle av döden)

(beetle av döden)



a small beetle that infests old wooden structures, the adults of which make a ticking sound as a mating call

What is a "deathwatch beetle"?

A deathwatch beetle is a small, wood-boring insect known for its distinct ticking sound, resembling the ticking of a watch, which it produces by tapping its head against surfaces. These beetles are commonly found in old wooden structures, such as furniture, beams, and timbers. They are attracted to decayed wood and are often considered a pest due to their ability to cause damage to wooden structures. The name "deathwatch" comes from the belief that the sound produced by these beetles was a foreboding signal of impending death.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
deathwatch beetle
Stag beetle
us flag
/stˈæɡ bˈiːɾəl/




a large beetle, the male of which has jaws that resemble the antlers of a stag

What is a "stag beetle"?

A stag beetle is a large and charismatic insect belonging to the family Lucanidae. Known for its impressive size and distinct mandibles resembling the antlers of a stag, this beetle has a striking appearance. Stag beetles are often considered iconic insects due to their unique features and fascinating behavior. The males, with their oversized mandibles, use them to compete for mates and establish dominance. Despite their intimidating appearance, stag beetles are generally harmless to humans, as they primarily feed on decaying wood and tree sap.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
stag beetle
May beetle
us flag
/mˈeɪ bˈiːɾəl/




a common scarab beetle characterized by its robust body and active presence during the spring and early summer months

What is a "may beetle"?

A may beetle is a common insect belonging to the scarab beetle family. These beetles are typically brown or black in color and have a robust body with a distinctive shape. May beetles are most active during the spring and early summer months, hence their common names. They are attracted to light sources and often fly around outdoor lights at night. The larvae of may beetles, known as white grubs, live in the soil and feed on plant roots, which can sometimes cause damage to lawns and gardens.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
may beetle
Furniture beetle
us flag
/fˈɜːnɪtʃɚ bˈiːɾəl/




a small beetle, the larvae of which bore and damage wood

What is a "furniture beetle"?

A furniture beetle is a small insect belonging to the family Anobiidae. These beetles are notorious for their destructive behavior towards wooden structures and furniture. The larvae of the furniture beetle feed on the wood, causing damage by creating tunnels and galleries as they feed and grow. This can weaken the structural integrity of wooden objects and lead to significant damage over time if left untreated. The adult furniture beetles are small and typically brown or black in color, with a cylindrical shape and hardened wings that cover their body. They are attracted to wood with high moisture content and can infest a variety of wooden items, including furniture, flooring, and structural components.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
furniture beetle
Potato beetle
us flag
/pətˈeɪɾoʊ bˈiːɾəl/
(insekten för potatis)

(insekten för potatis)



a pest that feeds on potato plants, causing damage to the foliage and reducing crop yields

What is a "potato beetle"?

A potato beetle is a notorious pest that affects potato plants and other members of the nightshade family. This beetle is characterized by its distinctive yellow and black striped body and oval shape. Both the adult beetles and their larvae feed voraciously on the leaves and stems of potato plants, causing significant damage to the foliage. If left uncontrolled, potato beetle infestations can lead to reduced potato yields and crop loss. Effective pest management strategies, including cultural practices, biological control agents, and appropriate insecticides, are employed to prevent and mitigate the damage caused by potato beetles and protect potato crops.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
potato beetle
Colorado potato beetle
us flag
/kˌɑːlɚɹˈɑːdoʊ pətˈeɪɾoʊ bˈiːɾəl/




a highly destructive pest that feeds on potato plants, characterized by its distinctive yellow and black striped appearance

What is a "Colorado potato beetle"?

A Colorado potato beetle is a notorious pest that specifically targets potato plants. This beetle is characterized by its distinct yellow and black striped body, oval shape, and prominent antennae. Both the adult beetles and their larvae are voracious feeders, consuming the leaves and stems of potato plants. The Colorado potato beetle poses a significant threat to potato crops as their feeding can lead to defoliation and reduced yields. Effective management strategies, including crop rotation, cultural practices, and judicious use of insecticides, are employed to control and mitigate the damage caused by the Colorado potato beetle and protect potato harvests.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Colorado potato beetle
Whirligig beetle
us flag
/wˈɜːlɪdʒˌɪɡ bˈiːɾəl/
(vatteninsekt med delade ögon)

(vatteninsekt med delade ögon)

snurrande skalbagge


a small aquatic insect with divided eyes that enables it to see both above and below the water surface

What is a "whirligig beetle"?

A whirligig beetle is a unique aquatic insect that belongs to the family Gyrinidae. These small beetles are known for their remarkable ability to move swiftly and gracefully on the water surface. Their distinctive feature is their divided eyes, with one set adapted for seeing above the water and the other set specialized for underwater vision. Whirligig beetles are skilled predators, feeding on insects and small aquatic organisms that get trapped on the water's surface. They are also known for their fascinating behavior of forming large groups or "swarms" that move in synchronized patterns, creating mesmerizing whirls and ripples on the water.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
whirligig beetle
Water beetle
us flag
/wˈɔːɾɚ bˈiːɾəl/




an aquatic insect with adaptations for living in water, such as a streamlined body and specialized appendages for swimming

What is a "water beetle"?

A water beetle is a type of beetle that is specially adapted to living in aquatic environments such as ponds, lakes, and streams. It has a streamlined body shape and often possesses specialized legs or other appendages for swimming. Water beetles are skilled predators and feed on various aquatic organisms, including insects, small fish, and amphibians. They play an essential role in the ecosystem as predators and decomposers, contributing to the nutrient cycling in aquatic habitats.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
water beetle
Tiger beetle
us flag
/tˈaɪɡɚ bˈiːɾəl/


tigern beetle


a fast and predatory insect known for its vibrant colors, distinct markings, and exceptional speed in capturing prey

What is a "tiger beetle"?

A tiger beetle is a fascinating insect known for its impressive speed and predatory nature. With its vibrant colors and distinct markings, it stands out in the insect world. Tiger beetles are agile hunters, relying on their exceptional speed and vision to catch their prey. They inhabit a variety of habitats, from sandy beaches to grasslands, and can often be seen darting across the ground in pursuit of insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. Tiger beetles are equipped with long legs, sharp mandibles, and keen eyesight, which make them efficient predators. They play an important role in controlling insect populations and are a captivating sight to observe in nature.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
tiger beetle
Spruce bark beetle
us flag
/spɹˈuːs bˈɑːɹk bˈiːɾəl/
(barkborre på gran)

(barkborre på gran)



a destructive beetle that damages spruce trees by boring through the bark, causing tree decline and death

What is a "spruce bark beetle"?

A spruce bark beetle is a small but destructive beetle species that primarily infests and damages spruce trees. These beetles bore through the bark of spruce trees, creating tunnels where they lay their eggs. The larvae then feed on the inner bark, disrupting the tree's ability to transport water and nutrients, ultimately leading to the decline and death of the affected spruce trees. The infestation of spruce bark beetles can have significant impacts on forest ecosystems and timber industries.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
spruce bark beetle
Snapping beetle
us flag
/snˈæpɪŋ bˈiːɾəl/




an insect known for its ability to produce a snapping sound and launch itself into the air by flexing its body

What is a "snapping beetle"?

A snapping beetle is a fascinating insect characterized by its ability to produce a snapping sound by flexing its body. These beetles have a unique mechanism that allows them to abruptly arch their backs and "click" to launch themselves into the air when they are upside down or trapped. They are known for their distinctive shape and strong jaws, which they use to capture prey. Snapping beetles are found in various habitats and play a beneficial role in controlling other insect populations.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
snapping beetle
Snout beetle
us flag
/snˈaʊt bˈiːɾəl/




a type of beetle characterized by its elongated snout or rostrum, known for its ability to cause damage to crops and stored grains

What is a "snout beetle"?

A snout beetle is a type of beetle characterized by its elongated snout or rostrum. These beetles typically have a distinct snout that extends forward from their head, which they use for feeding and probing into plant material. Snout beetles can be found in various habitats and are known for their ability to cause damage to crops and stored grains. They have a diverse range of species and exhibit a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Despite their small size, snout beetles play essential roles in ecosystems as both pests and beneficial insects.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
snout beetle
Searcher beetle
us flag
/sˈɜːtʃɚ bˈiːɾəl/
(rovdjur skalbagge)

(rovdjur skalbagge)

sökande skalbagge


a predatory beetle with an elongated body, powerful jaws, and keen senses

What is a "searcher beetle"?

A searcher beetle is a type of beetle that is typically found on the ground and known for its efficient hunting skills. With their elongated bodies, powerful jaws, and keen senses, searcher beetles are adept predators that prey on various insects and invertebrates. They play an essential role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling pest populations and contributing to the decomposition of organic matter. Searcher beetles are often recognized for their dark and shiny exoskeleton, and they are commonly found in diverse habitats, including forests, fields, gardens, and urban areas.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
searcher beetle
Seed beetle
us flag
/sˈiːd bˈiːɾəl/




a small beetle that primarily feeds on seeds and grains, often causing damage to crops

What is a "seed beetle"?

A seed beetle is a small beetle that belongs to the family Chrysomelidae and primarily feeds on seeds and grains. They are often found in agricultural fields, gardens, and stored grain facilities, where they can cause damage to crops and stored products. The seed beetle has a compact body; some species have distinct markings or colors on their wings. They play a role in seed dispersal and are known for their ability to infest a wide range of plant species.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Scarabaeid beetle
us flag
/skˈæɹɐbˌiːɪd bˈiːɾəl/




a beetle characterized by its oval-shaped body and often possessing a shiny and colorful exoskeleton

What is a "scarabaeid beetle"?

A scarabaeid beetle is a type of beetle belonging to the family Scarabaeidae. These beetles are characterized by their oval-shaped bodies, often with a shiny and colorful exoskeleton. They play important roles in ecosystems as both decomposers and pollinators. Some scarabaeid beetles, such as the sacred scarab of ancient Egypt, have cultural and symbolic significance.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Sawyer beetle
us flag
/sˈɔɪɚ bˈiːɾəl/




a longhorn beetle, is a wood-boring insect with long antennae and a distinctive elongated body

What is a "sawyer beetle"?

A sawyer beetle is a type of beetle characterized by its long antennae and elongated body. These beetles typically feed on wood, including the bark and inner layers of trees. They are named after their ability to produce a sawing sound when they rub their mandibles together. Sawyer beetles play an important role in the decomposition of dead wood and can sometimes be considered pests in forestry and timber industries. They are known for their diverse range of colors and patterns, making them visually striking insects.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
sawyer beetle
Rove beetle
us flag
/ɹˈoʊv bˈiːɾəl/


rove skalbagge


a small predatory insect with an elongated body, short wings, and a tendency to emit defensive secretions when disturbed

What is a "rove beetle"?

A rove beetle is a small predatory insect characterized by its elongated body and short wings, which usually do not cover its abdomen. Rove beetles are known for their quick movements and ability to emit defensive secretions when disturbed. They are commonly found in various habitats, including soil, leaf litter, and decaying organic matter, where they play a beneficial role in controlling populations of other insects.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
rove beetle
Rose beetle
us flag
/ɹˈoʊz bˈiːɾəl/
(rosetta skalbagge)

(rosetta skalbagge)



a colorful insect belonging to the family Scarabaeidae, known for its compact body, strong legs and metallic colors

What is a "rose beetle"?

A rose beetle, also known as a rose chafer, is a colorful insect that belongs to the family Scarabaeidae. It has a compact body, strong legs, and distinctive metallic colors, often ranging from green to bronze or gold. Rose beetles are known for their voracious appetite for plant foliage, including rose petals and other garden plants. While they can be considered pests in some situations, they also play a role in pollination as they visit flowers in search of food.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
rose beetle
Rhinoceros beetle
us flag
/ɹaɪnˈɑːsɚɹəs bˈiːɾəl/




a large insect with horn-like protrusions on the head of males, known for its robust size and distinctive appearance

What is a "rhinoceros beetle"?

A rhinoceros beetle is a large and robust insect belonging to the family Scarabaeidae, known for its distinctive horn-like protrusions on the head of males, resembling the horns of a rhinoceros. With its strong mandibles and impressive size, the rhinoceros beetle is capable of causing damage to trees and vegetation, and it is often recognized for its striking appearance and unique mating behaviors.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
rhinoceros beetle
Oriental beetle
us flag
/ˌoːɹɪˈɛntəl bˈiːɾəl/


orientalisk skalbagge


a small, shiny black or dark brown insect native to Asia, known for its feeding habits that can damage plants

What is an "oriental beetle"?

An oriental beetle is a small insect that is typically oval-shaped and has a shiny black or dark brown body. It is known for its voracious appetite and can be a pest to a variety of plants and crops. The beetle is native to Asia but has spread to other parts of the world. It is active during the summer months and can often be found feeding on foliage or burrowing in the soil.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
oriental beetle
Oil beetle
us flag
/ˈɔɪl bˈiːɾəl/




a beetle known for its elongated body, bright colors, and the oil-like secretions it releases as a defense mechanism

What is an "oil beetle"?

An oil beetle is a type of beetle characterized by its elongated body and oil-like secretions that it releases when threatened. It is commonly found in grasslands and meadows, and its bright colors serve as a warning to predators. The oil beetle has a unique life cycle, with the larvae relying on solitary bees for development. While the oil beetle is harmless to humans, it plays an important role in pollination and the ecosystem as a whole.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
oil beetle
Melolonthid beetle
us flag
/mˈɛləlˌɑːnθɪd bˈiːɾəl/
(skalbagge ur familjen Melolonthidae)

(skalbagge ur familjen Melolonthidae)

melolonthid skalbagge


a beetle belonging to the family Melolonthidae, known for its robust build, nocturnal habits, and herbivorous feeding behavior on plants

What is a "melolonthid beetle"?

A melolonthid beetle is a type of beetle belonging to the family Melolonthidae. These beetles are characterized by their oval-shaped bodies, robust build, and usually brown or black coloration. They are known for their nocturnal habits and often become active during the spring and summer months. Melolonthid beetles are herbivorous, feeding on the leaves and flowers of various plants. They play a role in the ecosystem by aiding in the decomposition of organic matter and serving as a food source for other animals.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
melolonthid beetle
Mexican bean beetle
us flag
/mˈɛksɪkən bˈiːn bˈiːɾəl/


mexikansk bönbagge


a small beetle native to Mexico and the United States that feeds on bean plants, causing damage to leaves and flowers

What is a "Mexican bean beetle"?

A Mexican bean beetle is a small beetle native to Mexico and the United States, specifically known for its destructive feeding on bean plants. It has a distinctive yellowish-orange coloration with black spots on its wing covers, and both adults and larvae feed on the leaves, flowers, and pods of bean plants, often causing significant damage to the crops. Efforts are made to control and manage this pest to minimize its impact on bean production.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Mexican bean beetle
Long-horned beetle
us flag
/lˈɑːŋhˈɔːɹnd bˈiːɾəl/
(longhorn skalbagge)

(longhorn skalbagge)

långhornad skalbagge


a type of beetle characterized by its long antennae, which are often equal to or longer than its body

What is a "long-horned beetle"?

A long-horned beetle is a type of beetle characterized by its long antennae, which can be as long as or even longer than its body. They are known for their diverse range of sizes, colors, and patterns, but typically have elongated bodies and prominent mandibles. These beetles are often found in forests, woodlands, and gardens, where they play important roles in decomposition and nutrient cycling. While some species are considered pests as they can damage trees and timber, others are valued for their aesthetic appeal and are sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Bean beetle
us flag
/bˈiːn bˈiːɾəl/




a group of beetles that feed on beans and related plants, causing damage to the crops

What is a "bean beetle"?

A bean beetle is a small insect belonging to the family Chrysomelidae, commonly known for its feeding habits on bean plants. These beetles, which are usually less than half an inch long, have a distinct shape and coloration that varies among species. They are known to feed on the foliage, flowers, and pods of bean plants, causing damage to the crops. The bean beetle's presence can be detrimental to bean production, as their feeding can lead to defoliation and reduced yield. Effective pest management strategies, such as proper crop rotation and the use of insecticides, are often employed to control infestations of bean beetles and protect bean crops.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
bean beetle
Bark beetle
us flag
/bˈɑːɹk bˈiːɾəl/




a small beetle that feeds on the inner bark of trees, often playing a vital role in decomposing dead or weakened trees

What is a "bark beetle"?

A bark beetle is a type of small beetle that primarily feeds on the inner bark of trees. These beetles are known for their ability to burrow into the bark, creating intricate tunnels and galleries. They play a significant role in forest ecosystems by decomposing dead or weakened trees. However, certain species of bark beetles can become destructive pests when they attack healthy trees, especially during outbreaks or when trees are stressed. The bark beetle infestation can lead to tree mortality, impacting forest health and timber industries. Effective management techniques, such as monitoring, tree removal, and the use of pheromone-based traps, are implemented to mitigate the damage caused by bark beetles and protect forest resources.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Bee beetle
us flag
/bˈiː bˈiːɾəl/
(skalbagge som liknar bi)

(skalbagge som liknar bi)

bi skalbagge


an insect that resembles a bee in appearance, with its yellow and black coloration

What is a "bee beetle"?

A bee beetle is a fascinating insect that resembles a bee in appearance and behavior. It has a distinctive yellow and black coloration, with a stout body and long antennae. The bee beetle is often found in meadows and gardens, where it feeds on the nectar and pollen of flowers. It plays a crucial role in pollination as it transfers pollen from one flower to another while searching for food. Despite its bee-like appearance, the bee beetle is harmless to humans and is considered a beneficial insect in the ecosystem.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
bee beetle
Blister beetle
us flag
/blˈɪstɚ bˈiːɾəl/




a beetle characterized by its ability to secrete cantharidin, a toxic substance that can cause blisters and skin irritation

What is a "blister beetle"?

A blister beetle is a type of beetle known for its unique defense mechanism of secreting a toxic substance called cantharidin, which can cause blisters and skin irritation. They are typically elongated in shape, with vibrant colors and a hardened exoskeleton. Blister beetles are often found in fields and gardens, feeding on plants and sometimes acting as pests. Despite their potential harm to humans and livestock, they play a role in the ecosystem by preying on other insects.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
blister beetle
us flag
(mörk skalbagge)

(mörk skalbagge)

svart skalbagge


a dark-colored insect belonging to the beetle family Carabidae

What is a "blackbeetle"?

A blackbeetle is a shiny black insect belonging to the Carabidae family. It is typically found in gardens, fields, and wooded areas and plays an essential role in controlling pest populations. Black beetles are known for their elongated bodies, prominent mandibles, and strong legs, which allow them to move quickly and efficiently. They are primarily nocturnal and feed on various small invertebrates, including insects, slugs, and snails. Despite their name, black beetles come in different species and variations, but they share a dark coloration that helps them blend into their surroundings.

Black carpet beetle
us flag
/blˈæk kˈɑːɹpɪt bˈiːɾəl/
(svart skalbagge)

(svart skalbagge)

svart matta skalbagge


a small, dark-colored beetle known for infesting and damaging various materials, such as carpets and clothing

What is a "black carpet beetle"?

A black carpet beetle is a small, dark-colored beetle that is known for its ability to infest and damage various materials, including carpets, clothing, upholstery, and stored food products. It has a distinct oval shape and is covered in dense, dark hairs. The black carpet beetle larvae are particularly destructive, as they feed on organic matter such as wool, fur, feathers, and dried plant materials. Infestations of black carpet beetles can cause significant damage to household items and require proper pest control measures to eliminate them effectively.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
black carpet beetle
Bombardier beetle
us flag
/bˌɑːmbɚdˈɪɹ bˈiːɾəl/




an insect known for its ability to release a volatile chemical spray from its abdomen as a defense mechanism

What is a "bombardier beetle"?

A bombardier beetle is a fascinating insect that possesses a unique defense mechanism. When threatened, it has the ability to release a hot and noxious chemical spray from its abdomen, which can be aimed accurately at its attacker. This defensive spray is a combination of chemicals that react violently, producing a popping sound and a cloud of steam, smoke, and toxins that can deter or harm predators. The bombardier beetle's extraordinary ability to produce and discharge these defensive chemicals makes it a formidable and effective defender in the insect world.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
bombardier beetle
Buffalo carpet beetle
us flag
/bˈʌfəlˌoʊ kˈɑːɹpɪt bˈiːɾəl/
(buffalo matbagge)

(buffalo matbagge)



a small insect that can cause damage to carpets, upholstery, and stored food products

What is a "buffalo carpet beetle"?

A buffalo carpet beetle is a small insect that belongs to the family Dermestidae. It is known for its distinctive pattern of alternating light and dark patches on its wing covers. The buffalo carpet beetle is often found indoors, where it can cause damage to various materials such as carpets, upholstery, and stored food products. The larvae of this beetle are particularly voracious and feed on a wide range of organic matter. Although they can be considered pests, buffalo carpet beetles play an important role in nature by aiding in the decomposition of dead plant and animal matter.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
buffalo carpet beetle
Carabid beetle
us flag
/kˈæɹɐbˌɪd bˈiːɾəl/
(rovdjur skalbagge)

(rovdjur skalbagge)

carabid skalbagge


a predatory insect with an elongated body, strong mandibles, and well-developed legs

What is a "carabid beetle"?

A carabid beetle is a predatory insect found in various habitats such as forests, grasslands, and gardens. It has a distinct elongated body shape, strong mandibles, and well-developed legs for fast running and capturing prey. Carabid beetles are beneficial to ecosystems as they feed on a wide range of pests, including insects, slugs, and snails, helping to control their populations. These beetles are often characterized by their dark coloration and can be found actively foraging on the ground during the night.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Carpet beetle
us flag
/kˈɑːɹpɪt bˈiːɾəl/



a small insect that can infest and damage carpets, clothing, and other materials

What is a "carpet beetle"?

A carpet beetle is a small, oval-shaped insect commonly found in homes and other indoor environments, known for its ability to infest and damage various materials such as carpets, clothing, upholstery, and stored food items. The adult carpet beetles feed on nectar and pollen, while the larvae, known as woolly bears, are destructive pests that feed on natural fibers, feathers, and other organic matter, causing considerable damage if left unchecked. Effective pest control measures are often necessary to prevent and eliminate carpet beetle infestations.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
carpet beetle
Clerid beetle
us flag
/klˈɛɹɪd bˈiːɾəl/
(clerid insekt)

(clerid insekt)



a predatory insect that feeds on other insects, particularly wood-boring beetles and their larvae, contributing to natural pest control

What is a "clerid beetle"?

A clerid beetle is a predatory insect that preys on other insects, particularly wood-boring beetles and their larvae. With their distinctive patterned bodies and strong mandibles, clerid beetles are adept hunters, actively seeking out their prey in various habitats. They play an important role in natural pest control, helping to regulate populations of harmful insects and protecting plants and trees from infestations.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
clerid beetle
Click beetle
us flag
/klˈɪk bˈiːɾəl/




a type of insect characterized by its ability to produce a clicking sound and perform a sudden, acrobatic jump when flipped onto its back

What is a "click beetle"?

A click beetle is an interesting insect known for its ability to produce a clicking sound and jump into the air when flipped onto its back. This mechanism is achieved through a specialized structure in its body that allows it to generate a sudden forceful movement. Click beetles are typically found in various habitats, such as forests and grasslands, and they play a beneficial role by feeding on other insects, including pests like caterpillars and grubs. Despite their small size, click beetles possess fascinating adaptations that help them survive and thrive in their environments.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
click beetle
Darkling groung beetle
us flag
/dˈɑːɹklɪŋ ɡɹˈaʊŋ bˈiːɾəl/
(svart jordlöpare)

(svart jordlöpare)

mörk jordlöpare


a soil-dwelling beetle with a dark appearance and prominent mandibles

What is a "darkling groung beetle"?

A darkling groung beetle is a type of beetle that typically inhabits soil and forest floors. It has a dark or black coloration, a segmented body, and prominent mandibles. Darkling ground beetles play an important role in ecosystems as decomposers, feeding on decaying organic matter. They are often found in moist environments and are active mainly at night. With their strong mandibles and scavenging behavior, these beetles contribute to the breakdown of organic material and nutrient recycling in the ecosystem.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
darkling groung beetle
Darkling beetle
us flag
/dˈɑːɹklɪŋ bˈiːɾəl/


mörk skalbagge


a beetle species belonging to the family Tenebrionidae characterized by its dark coloration

What is a "darkling beetle"?

A darkling beetle is a common insect found worldwide. It has a dark and elongated body with hardened wings, and it feeds on decaying organic matter. Darkling beetles play an important role in breaking down dead plant material, contributing to the process of decomposition in ecosystems. They are often encountered in agricultural settings and can be both beneficial as decomposers and pests when they infest stored grains or crops.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
darkling beetle
Dung beetle
us flag
/dˈʌŋ bˈiːɾəl/




a beetle species that feeds on and utilizes animal feces for nourishment and reproduction

What is a "dung beetle"?

A dung beetle is a type of beetle that has adapted to feed on feces, particularly from herbivorous animals. They play a vital ecological role by helping to decompose and recycle animal waste, which benefits nutrient cycling and soil fertility. Dung beetles are known for their remarkable ability to roll and bury dung balls for food and reproduction, and they are found in various habitats worldwide.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
us flag




a beetle species that feeds on and utilizes animal dung for food and reproduction

What is a "dorbeetle"?

A dorbeetle, also known as the dung beetle or tumblebug, is a fascinating insect that is highly adapted to living in and around animal dung. These beetles have a shiny black or metallic green body and strong wings, allowing them to fly and locate fresh dung piles for food and breeding. Dorbeetles are adept at rolling dung into balls, which they then bury in the ground as a food source and for laying eggs. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem by helping to decompose dung, recycle nutrients, and improve soil health.

Elaterid beetle
us flag
/ɪlˈæɾɚɹˌɪd bˈiːɾəl/




a beetle species characterized by its ability to produce a clicking sound and flip itself upright when overturned

What is an "elaterid beetle"?

An elaterid beetle, commonly known as a click beetle or snapping beetle, is a type of beetle characterized by its ability to produce a clicking sound by snapping its thoracic segments, allowing it to flip itself back into an upright position when overturned. These beetles are typically elongated and have a narrow body shape, with powerful hind legs that enable them to jump and escape from predators. Click beetles are known for their defensive behavior and are found in various habitats worldwide.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
elaterid beetle
Flea beetle
us flag
/flˈiː bˈiːɾəl/
(hoppande skalbagge)

(hoppande skalbagge)



a small beetle known for its ability to jump and its habit of feeding on plant foliage

What is a "flea beetle"?

A flea beetle is a small, agile beetle known for its jumping abilities, resembling the movement of a flea. These beetles typically have a shiny appearance and are often found on plants, where they feed on leaves, stems, and flowers. They can cause damage to crops and garden plants, leaving behind tiny holes and chewed foliage. Despite their small size, flea beetles can be a nuisance to gardeners and farmers, requiring management strategies to mitigate their impact.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
flea beetle
Fire beetle
us flag
/fˈaɪɚ bˈiːɾəl/
(lysande skalbagge)

(lysande skalbagge)



a small insect known for its bright bioluminescent glow, which it uses to attract mates and prey

What is a "fire beetle"?

A fire beetle is a fascinating insect renowned for its ability to produce light through bioluminescence. These beetles have specialized organs in their bodies that generate and emit a vibrant glow, typically in shades of yellow, green, or red. The light serves various purposes, including attracting mates, communicating, and possibly deterring predators. Fire beetles are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in humid forests and woodlands. Their nocturnal luminosity adds a magical touch to the nighttime environment, making them a captivating sight for nature enthusiasts.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
fire beetle
Flour beetle
us flag
/flˈaɪʊɹ bˈiːɾəl/




a small insect, often reddish-brown or dark brown in color, that infests stored grain products

What is a "flour beetle"?

A flour beetle is a small insect that infests stored grain products such as flour, cereal, and rice. These beetles are typically reddish-brown or dark brown in color and have a flattened body shape. Flour beetles are a common pest in food storage areas, and they can cause significant damage by contaminating the stored products and rendering them unfit for consumption. They feed on grains, cereal products, and other organic materials, and their presence can be detected by the presence of small holes or tunnels in the infested items.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Ground beetle
us flag
/ɡɹˈaʊnd bˈiːɾəl/




a predatory insect found on the ground, known for its elongated body and dark coloration

What is a "ground beetle"?

A ground beetle is a type of insect commonly found on the ground in various habitats. They are typically characterized by their elongated body shape, shiny or matte black coloration, and prominent mandibles. Ground beetles are known for their voracious appetite, preying on a variety of other insects, pests, and even small invertebrates. They play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling populations of harmful pests and contributing to nutrient recycling in the soil. Ground beetles are often considered beneficial insects in agricultural and garden settings due to their predatory nature.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Green June beetle
us flag
/ɡɹˈiːn dʒjˈuːn bˈiːɾəl/
(iriserande juni skalbagge)

(iriserande juni skalbagge)

grön juni skalbagge


a vibrant beetle with a green body and iridescent wings that is commonly found during the summer months

What is a "green June beetle"?

A green June beetle is a striking beetle with a shiny green body and iridescent wings. It is most commonly seen during the warm summer months, often buzzing around gardens, orchards, and fields. The adults are attracted to ripe fruits and flowers, feeding on their nectar and causing damage to the crops. They are relatively large in size and emit a distinctive buzzing sound as they fly. The green June beetle has a short lifespan, but during its active period, it is a prominent and sometimes unwelcome visitor in many outdoor environments.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Japanese beetle
us flag
/dʒˌæpənˈiːz bˈiːɾəl/
(invasiv skalbagge)

(invasiv skalbagge)

japansk skalbagge


a highly invasive insect with a metallic green and bronze body, known for its destructive feeding habits on a variety of plants

What is a "Japanese beetle"?

A Japanese beetle is a destructive insect known for its metallic green and bronze-colored body, with white tufts of hair along its sides. Native to Japan, this beetle has become a widespread pest in many parts of North America, feeding on a wide range of plants and causing significant damage to lawns, gardens, and agricultural crops. Its voracious appetite and ability to quickly reproduce make it a challenging pest to control.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
June beetle
us flag
/dʒjˈuːn bˈiːɾəl/




a large scarab beetle, commonly found during the summer months and is known for its buzzing flight and attraction to lights at night

What is a "June beetle"?

A June beetle is a type of scarab beetle characterized by its robust body, large size, and often iridescent or metallic coloration. It is commonly found during the summer months, particularly in the month of June, hence its name. June beetles are known for their distinctive buzzing flight and their attraction to lights at night. While the adults primarily feed on foliage, the larvae, known as white grubs, are soil-dwelling and can cause damage to plant roots.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Lamellicorn beetle
us flag
/lˈeɪməlˌɪkɔːɹn bˈiːɾəl/


lamellicorn skalbagge


a beetle characterized by its antennae with leaf-like structures

What is a "lamellicorn beetle"?

A lamellicorn beetle is a type of beetle characterized by its distinctively shaped antennae and hardened exoskeleton. These beetles are known for their habit of feeding on decaying organic matter, such as dung or decomposing vegetation. They play an essential ecological role in nutrient recycling and decomposition processes. Lamellicorn beetles are named after the lamellate or leaf-like structure on their antennae, which is used for sensing their surroundings and finding potential food sources. They can be found in various habitats worldwide and exhibit diverse sizes, shapes, and colors.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Longicorn beetle
us flag
/lˈɑːŋɡɪkˌɔːɹn bˈiːɾəl/




a type of beetle with long antennae and a diverse range of patterns and colors

What is a "longicorn beetle"?

The longicorn beetle is named for its distinctive long antennae. These beetles are often elongated in shape and can range in size from small to large. They are known for their striking and diverse patterns, colors, and markings on their bodies. Longicorn beetles are primarily herbivores and can be found in various habitats, including forests and woodlands. They play important roles in ecosystem dynamics by participating in decomposition and pollination processes.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Asian longhorned beetle
us flag
/ˈeɪʒən lˈɑːŋhɔːɹnd bˈiːɾəl/
(skalbagge med långa antenner från Asien)

(skalbagge med långa antenner från Asien)

asiatisk långhornad skalbagge


an invasive species from East Asia that poses a significant threat to hardwood trees by tunneling into the wood

What is an "Asian longhorned beetle"?

An Asian longhorned beetle is an invasive species native to East Asia. It has a striking appearance with its black body, white spots, and long antennae. This beetle is a destructive pest that attacks hardwood trees, including maple, birch, poplar, and willow. It poses a significant threat to forests and urban trees, as it tunnels into the wood, weakening the tree's structure and ultimately leading to its decline or death. Efforts are underway to control and eradicate populations of this destructive beetle to protect vulnerable tree species.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Asiatic beetle
us flag
/ˌeɪʃɪˈæɾɪk bˈiːɾəl/
(skalbagge från Asien)

(skalbagge från Asien)

asiatisk skalbagge


a type of beetle native to Asia known for its distinctive appearance, feeding habits, and potential for causing damage to vegetation

What is an "Asiatic beetle"?

An Asiatic beetle is a type of beetle native to Asia, known for its distinctive appearance and destructive feeding habits. It has a shiny black body with white spots, and it feeds on various plants, including trees and crops. The Asiatic beetle can cause significant damage to vegetation, impacting agricultural productivity and ecosystem health. Efforts are made to monitor and control the spread of this invasive species to mitigate its negative effects.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Boll weevil
us flag
/bˈɑːl wˈiːvəl/
(boll weevil)

(boll weevil)



a grayish beetle native to North America that infests cotton farms

What is a "boll weevil"?

A boll weevil is a small, destructive beetle that infests and feeds on cotton bolls, causing significant damage to cotton crops. Originating from Mexico, this beetle spread to the United States in the late 19th century, leading to widespread economic losses for cotton farmers. The boll weevil is notorious for its ability to destroy cotton harvests, making it a significant pest of the cotton industry. Efforts to control and eradicate the boll weevil have been ongoing to protect cotton production.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
boll weevil
Seed weevil
us flag
/sˈiːd wˈiːvəl/




a type of beetle that infests and feeds on seeds, causing damage to plants and reducing their reproductive potential

What is a "seed weevil"?

A seed weevil is a type of beetle that specifically targets seeds, infesting and feeding on a wide variety of plants and crops. These small insects possess a long snout-like mouthpart that allows them to pierce through seeds and lay their eggs inside. The larvae of seed weevils develop within the seeds, causing damage and reducing the viability of the affected plants. Seed weevils are known for their ability to target and impact various agricultural crops, including grains, legumes, and oilseeds. Controlling the population of seed weevils is crucial to protect crop yields and ensure the successful germination and growth of plants.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Rice weevil
us flag
/ɹˈaɪs wˈiːvəl/




a small beetle that infests stored grains, known for causing damage to crops and stored food items

What is a "rice weevil"?

A rice weevil is a small beetle that is known for infesting stored grains, particularly rice. It has a reddish-brown body and elongated snout. Rice weevils feed on rice and other grains, causing damage to stored crops and reducing their quality. They are considered pests in agricultural settings and can be a nuisance in households where they infest pantry items. Effective pest control measures are necessary to prevent the spread and damage caused by rice weevils.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Pea weevil
us flag
/pˈiː wˈiːvəl/




a beetle species that infests pea plants and other legumes, laying its eggs on the pods and causing damage to the seeds

What is a "pea weevil"?

A pea weevil is a type of beetle that specifically targets peas and other legume crops. It lays its eggs on pea pods, and the larvae feed on the seeds, causing damage and reducing crop yields. The adult pea weevil is small and dark-colored, with a distinctive snout. It is considered a pest in agricultural settings, as it can significantly impact pea production. Proper pest management practices are essential to control and prevent the infestation of pea weevils in crops.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Flour weevil
us flag
/flˈaɪʊɹ wˈiːvəl/




a small insect that infests stored grains and flour, causing damage and contamination

What is a "flour weevil"?

A flour weevil is a tiny insect that infests stored grains, flour, and other food products. It is known for its ability to chew through packaging materials and contaminate food with its presence and waste. The flour weevil feeds on a wide range of dry goods, including cereals, rice, pasta, and spices, and can cause significant damage to stored food supplies if left unchecked.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Black weevil
us flag
/blˈæk wˈiːvəl/
(svart galten)

(svart galten)

svart skadeinsekt


a small beetle with a black body that feeds on plants and can cause damage to leaves, stems, and roots

What is a "black weevil"?

A black weevil is a small beetle characterized by its black color and elongated body. It is known for its destructive feeding habits, as it feeds on a variety of plants, damaging leaves, stems, and roots. The black weevil poses a threat to agricultural crops and ornamental plants, making it a common pest in gardens and agricultural fields. Despite its small size, the black weevil can cause significant damage if left unchecked, making it a target for pest control measures.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
Bean weevil
us flag
/bˈiːn wˈiːvəl/




a small insect that infests stored beans and other legumes

What is a "bean weevil"?

A bean weevil is a small insect that infests stored beans and other legumes. It has a dark brown or black body with distinct markings and can cause damage by feeding on the seeds, leading to reduced quality and germination rates. The adult weevils lay eggs on the surface of the beans, and the larvae develop inside, feeding on the inner contents. Effective storage practices and monitoring are necessary to prevent and control infestations of bean weevils.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
us flag




a large black dung beetle considered to be holy by ancient Egyptians

What is a "scarab"?

A scarab is a type of beetle belonging to the family Scarabaeidae, characterized by its stout body and distinctive shape. These beetles are known for their oval or elongated bodies and often exhibit bright metallic colors or patterns. Scarabs have a significant cultural and historical significance, particularly in ancient Egyptian civilization, where they were revered as symbols of rebirth and fertility. They play essential roles in various ecosystems as decomposers, pollinators, and prey for other organisms.

us flag




any large European beetle that flies at dusk, the adult of which damages vegetation and the larvae infest the roots

What is a "cockchafer"?

A cockchafer is a type of large beetle belonging to the family Scarabaeidae. These beetles are characterized by their robust bodies, dark brown or black coloration, and distinctively veined wings. Cockchafers are most commonly seen during the spring months, hence their name "May bug." They are nocturnal insects and are attracted to light sources at night. Cockchafers play important ecological roles as decomposers, feeding on decaying organic matter, and their larvae contribute to soil health. However, they can also be considered agricultural pests due to their feeding habits on the roots of various plants.

us flag



the larvae of an insect related to mites which is red or orange and feeds on the skin cells of warm-blooded animal

What is a "chigger"?

A chigger is a tiny arachnid belonging to the family Trombiculidae. These minuscule pests are usually reddish-orange or yellowish in color and are commonly found in grassy and wooded areas. Chiggers are notorious for their bites, which can cause intense itching and discomfort. They typically attach themselves to the skin of mammals, including humans, and feed on their skin cells. Chigger bites are most prevalent during warm weather and can be prevented by using insect repellents and taking precautionary measures such as wearing long sleeves and pants when in chigger-prone areas.

Lightning bug
us flag
/lˈaɪtnɪŋ bˈʌɡ/
(lysande insekt)

(lysande insekt)



a nocturnal beetle of the order Coleoptera with a tail that shines in the dark

What is a "lightning bug"?

A lightning bug is a fascinating insect known for its bioluminescent abilities. These small beetles emit a soft, glowing light from their abdomens, creating a captivating display in the evening hours. The light produced by lightning bugs is used for various purposes, including attracting mates and communicating with other fireflies. Each species of lightning bug has its unique pattern and rhythm of light flashes, enabling them to recognize and respond to individuals of the same species. Their enchanting glow adds a touch of magic to summer nights, as they twinkle and flicker in the darkness.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
lightning bug
us flag



a small brown insect with a pair of pincer-like appendages, the female of which looks after the young until they are grown

What is an "earwig"?

An earwig is a small insect with a distinctive appearance characterized by its elongated body and pincer-like appendages at the rear. Despite its name, the earwig does not crawl into human ears. These nocturnal insects are commonly found in gardens and damp areas. Earwigs have a diverse diet, feeding on both plant material and other insects. While they may occasionally nibble on plant leaves, they can also be beneficial by consuming pests such as aphids and mites. Earwigs are known for their secretive behavior, hiding in crevices during the day and emerging at night to search for food. Though their appearance can be intimidating, earwigs are generally harmless to humans and are more of a nuisance than a threat.

Ant lion
us flag
/ˈænt lˈaɪən/



a small winged insect that preys on other insects, especially ants, by digging holes in the sand

What is an "ant lion"?

An ant lion is a fascinating insect that goes through a unique life cycle. The adult ant lion resembles a small dragonfly with its slender body and delicate wings. However, it is during the larval stage that the ant lion truly stands out. The larva has a distinct appearance, with a plump, segmented body and large jaws that resemble the mandibles of an ant. These jaws are used for catching and devouring ants and other small insects, hence the name "ant lion." The larva digs cone-shaped pits in sandy soil, patiently waiting at the bottom for unsuspecting prey to fall in. Once an ant or other small insect slips into the pit, the ant lion uses its jaws to capture and consume the trapped prey.

Grammatiska Information:

Sammansatt Substantiv
ant lion

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