resulting from the direct work of an artist, etc., which is not a copy
real and not a copy or counterfeit
truly what something appears to be, without any falseness, imitation, or deception
made or intended to be like the original or real version of something
copying or imitating something in order to look real
formed from an idea that is a slight or full copy of something else
made to closely resemble something else, typically with the intention to deceive, especially in terms of authenticity or legality
not authentic or true, despite attempting to make it seem so
not real or functional, often used as a substitute or imitation
not based on honesty or truth and is intended to mislead others
dishonest or deceitful, often involving illegal or unethical actions intended to deceive others
false or deceptive, often misleading in appearance or claims
illegally or deceitfully copied, often to mimic an original item or document
lacking genuineness or sincerity
(mostly used in combination) appearing to be genuine or legitimate but actually not
fake or false, often intended to deceive or mislead others
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