used to refer to the largest number or amount
used to refer to a number, amount, or degree that is bigger or larger
used to indicate a greater extent or degree of a particular quality
Граматична Інформація:
to a smaller amount, extent, etc. in comparison to a previous state or another thing or person
Граматична Інформація:
used to indicate a smaller amount or degree
to a small extent or degree
Граматична Інформація:
used to indicate a small degree, amount, etc.
to an extent that is more than enough
Граматична Інформація:
used to put emphasis on a statement
Граматична Інформація:
coming or happening right after the second person or thing
to the greatest amount or extent possible
Граматична Інформація:
used to emphasize that how much or how intense something is by talking about what happens as a result
Граматична Інформація:
exceptionally large in degree or amount
a part of something that is left
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