Ethics vs. Morals

Now, let's talk about the differences and similarities between 'ethics' and 'morals'. These two are fairly common so, what not learn about them?

"Ethics" vs. "Morals" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both of them refer to a set of rules one should behave according to. However, 'ethics' refers to a set of principles that are more practical. 'Morals', contrariwise, are more general in nature and they indicate what is right and what is wrong.


Just as I mentioned above, 'ethics' refers to a set of rules and principles to which we should conform if we are to live or work in a specific community. 'Ethics' are more practical. Look at the following examples:

If you take responsibility for your actions, you'll be free.

This is an ethical principle.

People normally have to learn and conform to the ethics of the society they're living in.

'Morals', on the other hand, point to more generalized rules about what is considered right and wrong. It is pretty much interrelated with culture. Look at the example below:

I wonder what morals vampires have.

Not cheating is a universal moral law.


Both refer to a set of codes and rules that determine how we should behave in a particular community. Check:

Even Mafias have ethics.

Don't forget the moral code of the group Jenny.

Are They Interchangeable

Although they both refer to how we should behave, they cannot be used interchangeably. Compare:

Morals are more general in nature like : 'Think before you act'.

X Ethics are more general in nature like : 'Think before you act'.

This one makes no sense because 'morals' are usually considered to be more general.


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