Fiancée vs. Fiancé

Now, I'm sure you've come across these two words. Are They even English? Well, I'm about to tell you everything about them.

"Fiancée" vs. "Fiancé" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both refer to an engaged person. However, 'fiancée' is a man that is engaged, whereas, 'fiancée' is an engaged woman.


As stated above, their only difference is that they refer to different genders. 'Fiancée' is an engaged woman whereas, 'fiancé' is an engaged man. Look at the examples below:

When are you going to introduce your fiancée to us?

Everybody, Mark is my fiancé!


They are similar in that they both refer to an engaged person. Check out the following examples:

Me and my fiancée are going downtown today.

A : Where is Sarah?

B : She's out with her fiancé.

Are They Interchangeable?

When you are writing in English, do avoid using these two words interchangeably because the reader will get confused. Both examples are correct but they refer to different genders. Compare:

✓ He is my fiancé.

X He is my fiancée.

In writing, remember not to use the female word for a male person.


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