Dragged vs. Drug

Ladies and gentlemen, in this lesson, we're gonna focus on the differences and similarities between these two verbs. Well, wanna come?

"Dragged" vs. "Drug" in the English Grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

They are both the past tenses and past participles of the verb 'drag'. However, 'drug' is used in some American dialects and is nonstandard, so we consider it a misspelling. 'Drug', mainly refers to any kind of substance used to relieve pain.


'Dragged' is both the simple past tense and the past participle of the verb 'drag', whereas, 'drug' refers to a substance that is used to relieve pain. Look at the examples below:

She grabbed my coat and dragged me along the street.

The drugs are all in the container.


These two do not have any similarities.

Are They Interchangeable?

As you can see, these two are completely different words, so they cannot be used interchangeably. Compare:

✓ They put a scarf on my eyes and dragged me somewhere.

X They put a scarf on my eyes and drug me somewhere.


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