(belas kasihan)
the quality of being caring toward people, animals, or plants
(pada saat)
used to express that something happens continuously from the beginning to the end of a period of time
(badai hujan)
hujan lebat
a heavy rainfall
waste such as bottles, papers, etc. that people throw on a sidewalk, park, or other public place
/ɪn kˈɑːmən/
secara bersama
having something shared or mutually owned by two or more people or groups
(secara acak)
chosen, done, or happening by chance and without any particular plan, method, or purpose
tidak mementingkan diri sendiri
putting other people's needs before the needs of oneself
to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something
Informasi Gramatikal:
done or happening naturally, without any prior thought or planning
secara anonim
without revealing one's identity or name
feeling hopeful or motivated, often as a result of support or positive feedback from others
(tidak berwenang)
tidak resmi
lacking validation or approval from an established authority or organization
/pˈeɪ ɪt fˈoːɹwɚd/
to a good deed for someone else after someone has helped one
/pˈɑːɹkɪŋ spˈɑːt/
(lokasi parkir)
tempat parkir
an area of ground in which a person can temporarily put their vehicle
Informasi Gramatikal:
/flˈæt tˈaɪɚ/
(ban kempis)
ban kempes
a tire of a car, bike, etc. that has been deflated
Informasi Gramatikal:
advanced in age
to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation
Informasi Gramatikal:
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