Nonetheless vs. Nevertheless

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"Nonetheless" vs. "Nevertheless" in the English Grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both are conjunctive adverbs indicating two opposing and contrasting ideas. They both come between two clauses. Native speakers tend to use 'nevertheless' more than 'nonetheless' because the former sounds better.


These two are not different. The issue is that native speakers prefer 'nevertheless' to 'nonetheless'. Look at the examples below:

These two adverbs are totally the same; nevertheless, native speakers tend to use the latter more.

Sonya woke up early; nonetheless, she got late tow work.


They are both conjunctive adverbs. They function like coordinating conjunctions in that they both connect two independent clauses. Note that the sentences are contrasting. Look at the following examples:

I spent all the party talking to her; nevertheless, I never texted her afterwards.

Our math exam was really difficult, but we managed to pass nonetheless.

Are They Interchangeable?

Native speakers often use these two terms interchangeably. Compare:

✓ I was prepared for my nursing test; nevertheless, I failed.

✓ I was prepared for my nursing test; nonetheless, I failed.


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