Never vs. Ever

This time, we're gonna focus more on the differences and similarities between these two grammatical structures. They're adverbs, right?

"Never" vs. "Ever" in the English Grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

Both are adverbs of time. However, 'ever' indicates any time and it can be used with a negative verb. 'Never', on the other hand, is a negative adverb and indicates no time. It cannot be used with a negative verb because then, we will have double negatives.


As mentioned above, 'ever' is an adverb of time. It indicates any point in time. It can be used with negative verbs and other negative structures in the sentence. Look at the examples below:

Don't you ever dare challenge me like that!

Have you ever had any such conflicts?

'Never', however, is a negative adverb of time. It negates the sentence so it does not come with a negative verb or any other negative structure in order to avoid double negatives. It indicates no point in time. Check out the examples below:

Hannah will never call you again.

(Not Hannah won't never ...)

I said never text me again.


Both are adverbs of time. Look at the examples below:

When do you ever have time for me?

We have all came to the conclusion to never come to this office again.

Are They Interchangeable?

These two adverbs can never be used interchangeably because our sentences will be grammatically incorrect. 'Ever' can be used with negative structures, whereas, 'never' cannot be used in negative sentences. Compare:

✓ Can't I ever see you again?

X Can't I never see you again?

As you can see, this one makes no sense.


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