an invalid argument which appears to be true and is used to intentionally deceive someone


(of an argument) believeable and smart, yet invalid and tending to deceive

софістичний, софістичний (прикметник)

the clever use of arguments that seem correct and convincing but are actually false in order to deceive people

софістика, софізм

someone who travels aimlessly, particularly due to having no place to call home

бездомний, блукалець

a wanderer who has no settled place to live and travels from place to place

блукач, странник

the distinctive quality of being superior and more significant

перевага, передність

surpassing others in quality, distinction, or importance

переважний, переважаючий

absence of knowledge or skill related to a particular situation or activity


not capable of being described due to the extreme level of impact

невиражений, неописуваний

not able to achieve maximum productivity or desired results with minimum waste of energy, money, or time

неефективний, некорисний

the upper part of a woman's dress covering the back and chest down to the waist

корсаж, бюстьє