
Grammar FAQ

In this part, we will look at some of the problematic areas about pronouns, their functions and their differences in usage.

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Plan vs. DesignThese verbs are closely related in meaning but are used in different contexts. Follow the lesson to find out about their difference.
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Discover vs. UncoverBoth verbs are concerned with finding something but they are used with different connotations which we are going to discuss in this lesson.
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Hurt vs. HarmThese verbs are closely related in meaning but they differ in their level or seriousness. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Wish vs. DesireBoth verbs are concerned with wanting something but they have different connotations. Follow the lesson to find out about their difference.
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Prove vs. ShowThese verbs are synonyms but they indicate different levels of strength in claim. This lesson will tell you about their difference.
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Treat vs. Cure vs. HealThese verbs are concerned with making an illness or injury better but they have specific meanings in this broad meaning. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Contain vs. IncludeThese verbs are synonyms but one of them is used in a wider scope. Follow the lesson to find out about their difference.
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Survive vs. LiveBoth verbs are concerned with having or spending life but one of them has a wider scope of usage which we are going to discuss in this lesson.
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Dislike vs. Hate vs. LoatheAll three verb describe a negative feeling towards someone or something but they differ in their degree. Follow the lesson to learn about their difference.
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Sleep vs. NapBoth verbs refer to the same act, but they differ in the duration they imply. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Force vs. CompelBoth verbs mean to make someone do something but the factor that underlies them is different. Follow the lesson to find out more about their difference.
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Visit vs. See vs. MeetThese verbs are synonyms but they have subtle differences in their context of use. Follow the lesson closely to find out where each of them is used.
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Plan vs. ScheduleBoth verbs are concerned with making arrangements, but one of them is wider in scope. Follow the lesson to find out about their differences.
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Accept vs. Agree vs. ApproveThese verbs are concerned with giving consent and saying 'yes' to something, but they are used with different connotations. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Cry vs. Sob vs. WeepThese three verbs refer to the same act, but they differ in manner and intensity. Follow the lesson to see how they are different from each other.
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Fit vs. SuitBoth verbs refer to being convenient for somebody or something. However, they have a subtle difference which we are going to discuss in this lesson.
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Practice vs. RehearseBoth verbs refer to repeating something over and over to get good at it. But what is their difference? Follow the lesson to find out.
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Argue vs. QuarrelBoth verbs refer to having a verbal disagreement with someone but they have a subtle difference which we are going to explore in this lesson.
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Smell vs. SniffBoth verbs refer to taking in air through the nose to sense odors but they are performed with difference intentions. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Jump vs. Leap vs. HopThese verbs refer to the same act but in slightly different manners. This lesson will tell you all about their difference.
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Defeat vs. BeatBoth verbs mean to win over somebody and surpass them but they are used in different contexts. Follow the lesson to find out more about them.
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Attack vs. AssaultBoth verbs mean to confront someone with violence and aggression, but they are used in different contexts. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Discuss vs. DebateThese verbs are synonyms but there is a subtle difference between them in terms of attitudes. Follow the lesson for more details about their difference.
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Respond vs. ReactThese verbs are synonyms but they have a subtle difference in terms of their driving force. Follow the lesson to learn about their difference.
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Destroy vs. DemolishThese verbs are closely related in meaning but the scope of their meaning and their connotations are different. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Replace vs. SubstituteThese verbs are synonyms but they are used to indicate different forms of the same action. Follow the lesson to learn about their difference.
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Guess vs. AssumeBoth verbs refer to think or believe something, although without certainty or proof. This lesson will highlight their difference.
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Expect vs. AnticipateBoth verbs refer to the belief that something will happen but they differ in the source of the belief. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Mention vs. Refer toBoth verbs are used to bring up a subject in conversation, but they are used with different intention. This lesson will clarify the difference between them.
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Suppose vs. AssumeBoth verbs refer to considering something as true, but they have a subtle difference with regards to the consequences of this belief. Follow the lesson for more
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Calculate vs. ComputeBoth verbs are concerned with estimating and working with numbers but they are used in different contexts. Follow the lesson to find out more about them.
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Perform vs. ExecuteBoth verbs mean to carry out a task, but they are each used with different kinds of tasks. This lesson will clarify the differences between them.
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Reveal vs. DiscloseThese verbs are synonymous but they differ in terms of the kind of information they make known. This lesson will highlight the difference between them.
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Seek vs. SearchBoth verbs mean to look for something, but the scope of their usage in terms of the object of the quest is different. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Determine vs. DecideBoth these verbs refer to making a choice, but they have a subtle difference in terms of finality of the choice. Follow the lesson for more.
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Train vs. CoachBoth these verbs are concerned with teaching a skill . However, they are not completely interchangeable. Follow the lesson to find out why.
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Maintain vs. PreserveThese verbs are synonymous but they differ in terms of their point of emphasis. Follow the lesson to find out more about their difference.
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Mix vs. BlendBoth verbs are concerned with making new materials by combining existing ones, but the are done in different ways. Follow the lesson for more.
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Combine vs. MergeBoth verbs are concerned with bringing two things together but they are used in different contexts which we are going to discuss in this lesson.
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Surprise vs. ShockThese verbs are synonymous but they have a subtle difference in the kind of emotions they evoke. Follow the lesson to find out more about their difference.
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Encourage vs. InspireThese verbs are closely related but they differ in the kind of emotion of state they create in a person. This lesson will clarify their difference.
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Achieve vs. Attain vs. AccomplishAll these verbs are concerned with reaching a goal, but they emphasize different aspects of reaching a goal. Follow the lesson to find out more about them.
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Clean vs. CleanseThese verbs are synonymous but the scope of their usage is different. Follow the lesson to find out about their difference.
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Injure vs. WoundBoth verbs are concerned with causing physical damage but they indicate different kinds of damage and also differ grammatically. Follow the lesson for more.
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Record vs. DocumentThese verbs are synonymous, but they indicate different intentions behind the act. This lesson will clarify the difference between them.
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Ask vs. RequestThese verbs are synonymous but they involve different levels of politeness and their grammatical structure is also different. follow the lesson for more.
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Promise vs. SwearThese verbs are synonymous but they involve different levels of seriousness and solemnity which we are going to highlight in this lesson.
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Collect vs. GatherBoth verbs mean to bring things together, but they have subtle differences and form different kinds of grammatical structures. Follow the lesson fore more.
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Publish vs. PrintBoth verbs are concerned with dissemination of ideas, but they refer to different stages of the process. Follow the lesson to find out more.
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Scream vs. ShoutBoth verbs refer to saying something in a loud voice, but they might indicate different reasons. This lesson will clarify their difference.
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