Académico IELTS (Banda 8 y Superior) - Lenguaje corporal y gestos
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con el lenguaje corporal y los gestos que son necesarias para el examen IELTS académico.
Tarjetas de memoria
to laugh loudly and heartily, especially when something is very funny

reírse a carcajadas
to push out one's lips as an expression of displeasure, anger, or sadness

hacer pucheros, fruncir los labios

to cover one's face with one's hand, particularly the palm, often as an expression of frustration, embarrassment, or disbelief

taparse el rostro con la mano, hacer un facepalm

to make small, restless movements or gestures due to nervousness or impatience

estar inquieto
to struggle and make turning and twisting movements in an attempt to break free

to make a buzzing or vibrating sound by blowing air through a curled tongue between the lips, often as a sign of playful teasing
to move in an uncomfortable or restless manner with twisting or contorted motions

agitarse, debatearse