500 Adverbes Anglais Les Plus Courants - Top 401 - 425 Adverbes
Vous disposez ici de la partie 17 de la liste des adverbes les plus courants en anglais tels que "under", "upwards" et "formally".
in a way that shows a good or optimistic attitude, expressing approval, joy, or support
positivement, véritablement
in a manner that is appropriate to the circumstances
en conséquence
in a way that is threatening or violent
de façon agressive, agressivement
in a direction to a higher place, position, or level
vers le haut, en haut
in accordance with established procedures, rules, or official protocols
without strict adherence to established procedures, rules, or official protocols
de manière non-officielle, de manière officieuse
to an extreme or complete degree
radicalement, extrêmement, dramatiquement
in a way that is physically free from any tension or pain
in a way that is acceptable, suitable, or proper in a particular occasion or situation
in a way that is by chance or accident
incidemment, par hasard
in a way that can be justified with reason or logic
légitimement, avec raison
more than usual or greater than average
exceptionnellement, particulièrement
in an unbroken sequence
consécutivement, de manière consécutive
in a way that shows confidence and trust in oneself or another person's abilities, plans, etc.
en toute certitude
to a very great degree that cannot be resisted
de manière écrasante