
Vocabulaire Anglais pour Débutants 1 - Animaux sauvages

Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais désignant les animaux sauvages, tels que « éléphant », « loup » et « tigre », préparés pour les étudiants de niveau débutant.









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Starters 1

a large animal with sharp claws and thick fur, which eats meat, honey, insects, and fruits

a large animal with sharp claws and thick fur, which eats meat, honey, insects, and fruits

a large animal with sharp claws and thick fur, which eats meat, honey, insects, and fruits


a powerful and large animal that is from the cat family and mostly found in Africa, with the male having a large mane

a powerful and large animal that is from the cat family and mostly found in Africa, with the male having a large mane

a powerful and large animal that is from the cat family and mostly found in Africa, with the male having a large mane


a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries

a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries

a playful and intelligent animal that has a long tail and usually lives in trees and warm countries


a legless, long, and thin animal whose bite may be dangerous

a legless, long, and thin animal whose bite may be dangerous

a legless, long, and thin animal whose bite may be dangerous


an animal that is very large, has thick gray skin, four legs, a very long nose that is called a trunk, and mostly lives in Asia and Africa

an animal that is very large, has thick gray skin, four legs, a very long nose that is called a trunk, and mostly lives in Asia and Africa

an animal that is very large, has thick gray skin, four legs, a very long nose that is called a trunk, and mostly lives in Asia and Africa


a big and wild animal from the same family as dogs that hunts for food in groups

a big and wild animal from the same family as dogs that hunts for food in groups

a big and wild animal from the same family as dogs that hunts for food in groups


a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, has orange fur and black stripes, and is mostly found in Asia

a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, has orange fur and black stripes, and is mostly found in Asia

a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, has orange fur and black stripes, and is mostly found in Asia


a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, can run very fast, and has yellow fur that is covered with small black spots

a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, can run very fast, and has yellow fur that is covered with small black spots

a type of large and wild animal that is from the cat family, can run very fast, and has yellow fur that is covered with small black spots

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