Le livre Top Notch 2A - Unité 4 - Leçon 3
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 4 - Leçon 3 du manuel de cours Top Notch 2A, tel que « luxe », « cabriolet », « pleine grandeur », etc.
the characteristic of being exceptionally expensive, offering superior quality and exclusivity

luxe, luxurieux

a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people

a class or group of people or things that have common characteristics or share particular qualities

genre, type
having a standard or regular size, without being exceptionally large or small

de taille normale, de taille standard

an automobile that is smaller than a full-sized car, making it easier to drive and park in tight spaces

voiture compacte, automobile compacte

a small, fast, and low car that has a powerful engine, usually seats two people, and often has a removable or foldable roof

voiture de sport, automobile sportive

a longer-bodied vehicle with a rear cargo area that is part of the passenger compartment, often with a rear hatchback or tailgate for cargo access

break, voiture familiale

a large car that is similar to a van and can seat up to eight or nine people

minivanne, monospace