Le livre English Result - Intermédiaire Supérieur - Unité 8 - 8A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 8 à 8A du manuel de cours English Result Upper-Intermediate, tel que "toilette", "jetable", "coupe-ongles", etc.
any product or item used for personal hygiene or grooming, such as toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, and razors

produit de toilette, article de soin personnel

a fragrant liquid or lotion that is applied to the skin after being shaved, particularly used by men

aftershave, lotion après-rasage

a flat piece of plastic, metal, etc. with a row of thin teeth, used for untangling or arranging the hair

soft, fluffy material made from cotton used for cleaning, applying medicine, or cosmetic purposes

ouate, coton hydrophile

a substance that people put on their skin to make it smell better or to hide bad ones

a cream that is applied to the face to soothe or cleanse the skin

crème pour le visage
a cosmetic product that changes the color of hair by using pigments or chemicals

teinture pour cheveux, coloration capillaire

a product used to cleanse and remove makeup from the skin

démaquillant, produit démaquillant

the object that people use to cut and shorten their nails

coupe-ongles, ciseaux à ongles

a liquid product used to add color and shine to the nails, providing a protective and decorative coating

vernis à ongles, laque à ongles