Le livre Face2face - Élémentaire - Unité 11 - 11A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 11 à 11A du manuel de cours Face2Face Elementary, tel que « travail », « déménager », « cours », etc.
healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet

en (bonne) forme
to do a job or task, usually for a company or organization, in order to receive money

to a smaller amount, extent, etc. in comparison to a previous state or another thing or person

a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

to end a particular action or activity for a short period of time to do something else

stopper, cesser

the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school

the habit or act of breathing the smoke of a cigarette, pipe, etc. in and out

tabagisme, fumer

a sweet dessert made from flour, sugar, eggs, cocoa powder, and other ingredients, typically served in slices

gâteau au chocolat, brioche au chocolat