Le livre Face2Face - Pré-intermédiaire - Unité 1 - 1B
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 1 à 1B du manuel de cours Face2Face Pre-Intermediate, tel que « compagnie aérienne », « multinationale », « bénévole », etc.
the styles and trends of clothing, accessories, makeup, and other items that are popular in a certain time and place

a company or business that provides air transportation services for people and goods

compagnie aérienne
involving or relating to multiple countries or nationalities

multinational, multinationale

a building or set of buildings in which products are made, particularly using machines

a person who has a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities Part of Speech:

les personnes handicapées, les handicapés

a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment and care

a field of study that deals with the building, designing, developing, etc. of structures, bridges, or machines

ingénierie, engineering