Le livre Total English - Pré-intermédiaire - Unité 3 - Leçon 1
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 3 - Leçon 1 du manuel de cours Total English Pre-Intermediate, tel que "ambition", "objectif", "abordable", etc.
a group of retail stores that have the same name and sell similar products or services, all owned and run by the same company

chaîne, réseau

(of a book or other product) sold in large quantities because of gaining significant popularity among people

best-seller, le plus vendu

a book containing recipes and instructions for preparing various dishes and meals

livre de cuisine, recueil de recettes

a powerful and intense emotion or feeling toward something or someone, often driving one's actions or beliefs

a person who is being trained for a particular job or profession

stagiaire, apprenti, apprentie
having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties

abordable, pas trop cher, pas trop chère
the instructions on how to cook a certain food, including a list of the ingredients required
