Entraînement Général IELTS (Niveau 5 et en Dessous) - Probability
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés à la probabilité qui sont nécessaires à l'examen IELTS de formation générale.
having a high possibility of happening or being true based on available evidence or circumstances
having a low chance of happening or being true
invraisemblable, peu plausible
easily anticipated or expected to happen based on past experiences or knowledge
prévisible, attendu
unable to be predicted because of changing many times
improbable or unlikely to happen or be the case
douteux, incertain
anticipated or predicted to happen based on previous knowledge or assumptions
happening or appearing without warning, causing surprise
inattendu, imprévu
doubtful or uncertain in terms of quality, reliability, or legitimacy
douteux, discutable
describing something that is possible and therefore can be believed
crédible, convaincant
allowing no questions or doubts
incontestable, indiscutable