Éducation - Objets de classe et d'école
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés aux objets de la classe et de l'école tels que « tableau noir », « bureau » et « casier ».
a large board with a smooth dark surface that is written on with chalk in schools

tableau noir
a smooth, typically dark-colored surface, usually made of slate or a similar material, used for writing or drawing with chalk

tableau noir, ardoise

a large board with a smooth white surface that we can write on, especially used for teaching or presentations

a large display board that can be connected to a computer or projector, allowing users to interact with digital content using touch, stylus, or other input devices

tableau blanc interactif, tableau numérique interactif

a display board used for posting notices, announcements, or other informational materials

tableau d'affichage, panneau d'affichage

furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers

bureau, pupitre
a stand with a slanted top used to hold notes or books for a speaker or reader

estrade, lectern

a board connected to a wall or a piece of furniture on which books are kept

étagère (à livres), rayon
a small closet that usually has a lock, in which valuable items and belongings could be stored

a piece of office furniture with drawers in which documents can be stored

classeur (à tiroirs)
a device used for making images or videos appear on a screen, wall, or other flat surfaces

a surface, often white or gray, used to display images from a projector

écran de projection, toile de projection

a device that projects images or text from a transparency onto a screen or wall

projecteur overhead, projecteur de transparents

a large motor vehicle designed to transport students to and from school

autobus scolaire, bus scolaire