Buku Top Notch 2B - Unit 6 - Pelajaran 2
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 6 - Pelajaran 2 di buku pelajaran Top Notch 2B, seperti "alasan", "setuju dengan", "alergi", dll.
Kartu flash
a reason given to explain one's careless, offensive, or wrong behavior or action

alasan, dalih

[Kata benda]
to agree with
(of food) to not cause illness or physical discomfort

cocok, tidak menyebabkan masalah

[kata kerja]
to diet
to eat small amounts or particular kinds of food, especially to lose weight

diet, melakukan diet

[kata kerja]
the belief in a higher power such as a god and the activities it involves or requires

agama, kepercayaan

[Kata benda]
having negative reactions to specific substances, such as sneezing, itching, or swelling, due to sensitivity to those substances

alergi, sensitif


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