Buku English Result - Pra-menengah - Satuan 10 - 10D
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 10 - 10D dalam buku pelajaran Pra-Menengah Hasil Bahasa Inggris, seperti "sepanjang", "mencapai", "ikuti", dll.
Kartu flash
to bring something to a conclusion or stop it from continuing

mengakhiri, menghentikan

to come to a certain level or state, or a specific point in time

mencapai, sampai ke

used to indicate movement or passage from one side or end to the other

melalui, lewat

used to show that something continues or lasts up to a specific point in time and often not happening or existing after that time

sampai, hingga

a city in Switzerland known for its international organizations, including the United Nations and the Red Cross, as well as its high quality of life and scenic lakeside location


a type of two-masted sailing ship, or a prison on a military ship or in a military base

kapal berdua tiang, penjara militer