Buku Face2face - Menengah atas - Satuan 4 - 4D
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 4 - 4D di buku pelajaran Face2Face Menengah Atas, seperti "tidak bisa berkata-kata", "takut kaku", "kelaparan", dll.
Kartu flash
unable to speak for a short time, particularly as a result of surprise, shock, or anger

tak berbicara, terdiam

out of one's mind
used to refer to someone who is so stressed, angry, or confused that they are unable to behave normally or make any logical decisions
a situation or experience that is extremely unpleasant, difficult, or challenging

mimpi buruk, situasi sulit

[Kata benda]
something be killing me
used to express extreme discomfort, stress, or frustration caused by something, often in a figurative sense
to drive somebody crazy / mad
to do something that makes someone extremely upset, annoyed, or angry

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