Buku Face2face - Menengah atas - Satuan 8 - 8B
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 8 - 8B di buku pelajaran Face2Face Menengah Atas, seperti "rip off", "come to", "pay back", dll.
Kartu flash
to come to
to reach a specific total or amount when adding together various quantities or numbers

mencapai, berjumlah

[kata kerja]
to come into
to receive money or assets from someone who has passed away, typically through a will or legal inheritance

mewarisi, mendapatkan warisan

[kata kerja]
to rip off
to take advantage of someone by charging them too much money or selling them a defective product

menipu, membohongi

[kata kerja]

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