Buku Total English - Menengah - Unit 7 - Pelajaran 1
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 7 - Pelajaran 1 dalam buku pelajaran Total Bahasa Inggris Menengah, seperti "dengan hati", "mengambil", "kurva belajar", dll.
Kartu flash
to pick up
to acquire a new skill or language through practice and application rather than formal instruction

mengambil, memperoleh

[kata kerja]
to throw oneself into something
to commit oneself fully to a particular task, project, or pursuit with enthusiasm, determination, and a willingness to take risks
crash course
an intensive and brief period of study or training in a particular subject or skill

kurs kilat, pelatihan intensif

[Kata benda]

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