IELTS Pelatihan Umum (Band 5 dan di Bawah) - Kata Keterangan Komentar
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa Adverbs of Comment yang diperlukan untuk ujian General Training IELTS.
Kartu flash
used to emphasize that one is being sincere and telling the truth, especially when the thing being said sounds surprising

sejujurnya, jujur saja

in a way that causes great surprise, astonishment, or disbelief

mengagetkan, mencengangkan

in accordance with what is logical, typical, or expected

secara alami, secara logis

used to state one's opinion while emphasizing or summarizing its most important aspects

Dasarnya, Pada dasarnya

in truth and practice even though not clearly stated

sebenarnya, dalam praktiknya

used to express that something positive or favorable has happened or is happening by chance

beruntungnya, syukurlah