여기에서는 Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 Complexity와 관련된 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
difficult to understand, deal with, or explain due to having many parts or factors
복잡한, 어려운
not easy to understand or analyze
not clear or easily understood
혼란스러운, 어리둥절한
needing a lot of work or skill to do, understand, or deal with
어려운, 복잡한
hard to understand or explain
불가사의한, 혼란스러운
not involving difficulty in doing or understanding
간단한, 쉬운
needing little skill or effort to do or understand
쉬운, 용이한
easy to comprehend or perform without any difficulties
간단한, 명확한
clear and easy to understand
having or offering the simplest elements or level of understanding or functionality
기본적인, 단순한
not difficult to understand
noticeable and easily understood
명백한, 분명한
easy to understand
명확한, 이해하기 쉬운
easy to comprehend
이해하기 쉬운, 명확한
clear in meaning or expression
이해할 수 있는
clear enough to be easily understood
투명한, 명확한