Treinamento Geral IELTS (Banda 6-7) - House
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a House que são necessárias para o exame General Training IELTS.
an apartment with two floors each with its own rooms connected by an internal staircase


a country house that has a large garden, particularly the one located in southern Europe or warm regions

vila, casa de campo

an area or room directly under the roof of a house, typically used for storage or as an additional living area

sótão, área do telhado

a room immediately under the roof of a house, which is used as a storage or living space

sótão, andares superiores

a small room or area for putting in wet or dirty footwear and clothes before entering a house

sala de lama, câmara de lama

a safe room in an office or house where people can escape into in case of danger

quarto de pânico, sala de segurança

a room in which there are large pieces of household equipment such as a dishwasher

lavandaria, quarto de utilidades

an agreement in which we agree to pay rent to use someone else's house, room, etc.

contrato de arrendamento, aluguel

an official contract or arrangement by which a bank gives money to someone as a loan to buy a house and the person agrees to repay the loan over a specified period, usually with interest

hipoteca, empréstimo hipotecário

to rent a place from its owner and then rent it to someone else without having any permission or legal right

subarrendar, dar em sublocação