Цвета и Формы - Лазурные оттенки
Прочтите этот урок, чтобы выучить названия различных оттенков лазурного цвета на английском языке, например «голубой», «лазурный» и «синий сапфир».
having a pale tint of blue that evokes a sense of calmness and serenity with its soft, sky-like hue
бледно-голубой, нежно-голубой
of a vibrant turquoise-blue color that was historically used by the ancient Maya civilization
майя-голубой, майянский голубой
having a bright and bold shade of blue, reminiscent of the vivid blue hues
ярко-синий, синие яркие оттенки
having a bright, vibrant blue color that is reminiscent of the blue waters of Picton Bay in New Zealand
ярок-синий Пиктон, синий цвет Пиктона
characterized by a vivid, medium shade of blue that resembles the color of the flowers of the cornflower plant
characterized by a serene and ethereal shade of blue that is reminiscent of the color of the sky on a clear day
небесно-голубой, голубой небесный
having a bright and vibrant shade of blue that is often associated with the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team
доджеровский синий, ярко-синий
having a rich and deep shade of blue that represents loyalty, steadfastness, and trustworthiness
по-настоящему синий, глубокий синий
having a vibrant and deep shade of blue, often associated with richness and elegance
королевский синий, в королевском синем цвете
having a soft, muted shade of blue that evokes the serene and calming ambiance of a peaceful lake surrounded by silver-hued mist or fog
серебристо-голубой, нежно-голубой
having a vibrant shade of blue that is often associated with the Detroit Lions
Гонолульский синий, имеющий яркий оттенок синего
having a muted shade of blue that resembles the color of steel or metal, typically with a slight grayish or bluish tint
стальной синий, металлический синий
having a bright, vibrant shade of blue that resembles the color often associated with the national flag of France
французский синий
having a deep, rich shade of blue that is often associated with the planet Uranus
ураниевый синий, синий планеты Уран
of a pale blue color that represents the sky and clouds, and it has become a significant national symbol associated with Argentina
аргентинский голубой, голубой цвет аргентинского флага
having a deep and vivid shade of blue resembling the color of a sapphire gemstone
сапфировый синий, лазурный сапфир
of the vibrant royal blue seen in the distinctive markings of the Blue Tang fish
синий танг, яркий синий танг