Genel Eğitim IELTS (Bant 6-7) - Saygı ve Onay
Burada General Training IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan Saygı ve Onay ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to show enthusiastic approval or praise for a person or their actions

alkışlamak, takdir etmek

to regard highly and consider something as important, beneficial, or worthy of appreciation

değer vermek, takdir etmek

to praise someone or something enthusiastically and loudly, particularly in a public manner

to express good wishes or congratulations, usually by raising a glass and drinking in honor of a person, event, or achievement

şerefine içmek
to highly praise someone in an exaggerated or insincere way, especially for one's own interest

to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone

hayranlık duymak