Книга Top Notch 3A - Розділ 4 - Попередній перегляд
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 4 - Попередній перегляд у підручнику Top Notch 3A, наприклад «таємниця», «нон-фікшн», «автобіографія» тощо.
a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that we can turn them and read them

a movie, novel, or play in which a crime takes place, especially a murder, and the story starts unraveling as it goes on

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science

наукова фантастика
a complete story that is not long and can be read in a short time

короткая история
a type of book that provides guidance, advice, and instructions on a variety of personal and professional topics, with the aim of improving oneself and one's life

книга з самоосвіти, книга з самодопомоги