Книга Solutions - Елементарний - Блок 2 - 2E
Тут ви знайдете лексику з розділів 2 - 2E в підручнику Solutions Elementary, наприклад «змішаний», «святковий», «небезпечний» тощо.
consisting of different types of people or things combined together

змішаний, різноманітний

(of places, services, etc.) available only to a particular gender

одностатевий, виключно для одного статі

the time when students are at school, attending classes and activities, usually from morning to afternoon

шкільний день, учбовий день

one of the three periods in the academic year during which multiple classes are held in schools, universities, etc.

семестр, півріччя

a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

used before a specific period of time to show when or at what time something happens or how long it takes for it to happen
