Тварини - Породи кішок
Тут ви дізнаєтеся назви порід кішок англійською мовою, такі як «Тойгер», «Ангора» і «Бірман».
a domestic breed of cat that is short-haired and has a slender build
абіссінець, кицька абіссінської породи
a rare breed of domestic cat with a short tail that was developed in the US
Американський бобтейл, Бобтейл американський
a domestic breed of cat characterized by its folded ears, originally from the US
Американський Керл, Кіт Американський Керл
a domestic breed of cat with a short coat that was brought to the US by European settlers
Американська Шортхаір, кіт американський короткошерстий
a rare breed of domestic cat with rounded ears originated in upstate New York
Американський дротовий кіт, кіт породи American Wirehair
a domestic breed of cat that is long-haired, naturally found in central Turkey
a cat breed with a spotted coat, developed from hybrids of domestic cats
бенгальська кішка, кішки бенгала
a domestic cat breed, also known as the sacred cat of Burma, which is long-haired and blue-eyed, with a colored face
Бірман, бірманська кішка
a domestic breed of cat with a short black coat that looks like a black panther
кот бомбейський, порода кота Бомбей
a domestic breed of cat that has a dense short coat and a broad face, originated in Britain
Британська короткошерста, британський шотхайр
a domestic cat breed, originated in Burma and bred with the American Siamese
бірманська кішка, кіт бірманської породи
a domestic cat breed originated in the UK that is a cross between a Burmese cat and a Persian Chinchilla
Бурміла, порода кішок Бурміла
a rare breed of cat that is shorthaired and muscular, which is originally from France
Шартре, кіт Шартре
a domestic breed of cat that is large and looks exotic and is a hybrid of domestic and non-domestic cats
Чаузі, кіт Чаузі
a domestic breed of cat with no hair except an undercoat that is extremely soft to the touch
a domestic breed of cat originated in Isle of Man that is a semi-long-haired variety of a Manx cat
Кімрік, кіт Кімрік
a domestic breed of cat with large ears and slender body that first emerged in England
Девон-рекс, порода котів Девон-рекс
a domestic breed of cat originally from Egypt that is short-haired and has natural spots
Єгипетський мау, кіт Єгипетський мау
a domestic breed of cat originally from the US that is a shorthaired version of the Persian
Екзотичний шотландець (порода кота), Екзотичний шотландський (домашній кіт)
a domestic cat breed rooted in England that is a hybrid of a brown Siamese and a black cat
Гавана Браун, кіт Гавана Браун
a domestic cat breed originally from the US that is a cross between a Persian and a Siamese
Гімалайська, Гімалайська кішка
a domestic cat breed originally from Japan that has a tail like a rabbit
Японський бобтейл, Кіт бобтейл японський
a domestic cat breed with pointed ears and short hair that is an oriental type
яванський, кіт яванський
a domestic cat breed native to Thailand that is medium-built and bluish gray with an alert face
Корат, кішка Корат
a domestic cat breed with curly fur that is medium in size
ЛаПерми, кіт ЛаПерми
a domestic cat breed naturally found in the US, characterized by its large size and shaggy coat
a domestic cat breed originally from the Isle of Man with a natural short tail
Манкс, кіт Манкс
a rare domestic cat breed that is long-haired with a silver blue coat and wide green eyes
Небелунг, порода котів Небелунг
a domestic cat breed originally from Norway that has two coats to survive in a very cold climate
норвезька лісова кішка, кішка з Норвегії
a domestic cat breed that is spotted and is a hybrid of a Siamese and an Abyssinian
Оцікат, Кіт Оцікат
a domestic cat breed closely related to the Siamese with more coat colors and linear patterns
Орієнтальна короткошерста, Кіт орієнтальної короткошерстої породи
a domestic breed of cat that is long-haired with a round face and a short muzzle
персидська кішка, перс
a domestic cat breed with a short tail that resembles a North American bobcat
піксі-боб, порода котів піксі-боб
a domestic cat breed originated in California characterized by its thick fur
Рагамафін, кіт Рагамафін
a domestic cat breed with a soft coat that is large and has blue eyes
a domestic cat breed originally from Russia with silvery blue coat and green eyes
Російська блакитна
a domestic cat breed characterized by folded ears that is originally from Scotland
Шотландська кішка-складка, гладкошерста шотландська кішка
a domestic cat breed with woolly curly fur
Селкірк Рекс, порода котів Селкірк Рекс
a domestic cat breed originally from Thailand that is short-haired and has a brown face
Сіамський, сіамська кішка
a domestic cat breed native to the forests of Russia that has three layers of coat
Сибірський, Сибірська кішка
the smallest domestic cat breed that is originated in Singapore, with noticeably large eyes and ears
Сінгапур, кіт Сінгапура
a domestic cat breed with white feet that was first taken from the Siamese in Philadelphia
сніговий кіт, снігоступний кіт
a domestic cat breed originally from Somalia that is long-haired
сомалійський кіт, кіт з Сомалі
a hairless domestic cat breed originated in Toronto
кішка сфінкс, сфінкс домашній
a domestic cat breed that is a cross between the Siamese and the Burmese
тонкінська кішка, тонкінський кіт
a domestic breed of cat that is long-haired, naturally found in central Turkey
Турецький ангор
a domestic breed of cat that is semi-long-haired and is originated in Southeast Turkey
Турецький Ван (кіт), кіт породи Турецький Ван
a rare domestic cat breed with a long fluffy coat mostly chocolate brown in color
кішка Йорк Шоколад, порода котів Йорк Шоколад
a domestic cat with black, brown, orange and white coat, which is usually female
черепашка, кішечка черепашка
a domestic cat known for its distinctive coat pattern featuring patches of white, orange, and black (or other dark colors)
кот калико, трикольоровий кіт
a domestic cat with a coat pattern characterized by stripes, swirls, and spots in various colors on a background of lighter fur
таббі-кіт, кіт таббі