Тварини - Породи великої рогатої худоби
Тут ви дізнаєтеся назви порід великої рогатої худоби англійською мовою, такі як «голштейн», «лонгхорн» і «брахман».
a breed of horned cattle with a long hairy coat that is originated in Scottish Highlands

високогірне худобу, високогірні корови

a breed of dairy cow that is known to produce the largest amount of milk, originally from Northern Germany and Holland

Голштинська, корова голштинська

a breed of beef cattle that is originated in the North East of England

Шортгорн, порода великої рогатої худоби Шортгорн

a breed of dairy cow with yellowish color that is native to Jersey in Channel Island

джерсійська корова

a breed of dairy cow that is red and white in color, originally from Guernsey in Channel Islands

гернсійська корова, порода корови гернсі

a domesticated ox with a humped back, two long horns and a high tolerance for heat and drought originated in India


a breed of cow with long horns that was common in Southwestern US

Лонггорн, корова Лонггорн

a black, polled breed of beef cattle originating from Scotland, known for their docile temperament and high-quality meat


hardy English breed of cattle raised extensively in United States

Герефорд, порода герефордів

a large breed of beef cattle known for their distinctive white coloration, robust build, and high-quality meat production

Шароле, порода Шароле

a breed known for their heat tolerance, hardiness, and adaptability to challenging environments

Брахман, порода Брахман

a crossbreed developed in the United States from Brahman and Shorthorn cattle

Санта Геррудис

cattle raised for meat production, and a vital source of meat for human consumption

великуваті худоби, м'ясні корови

specifically bred and raised for milk production, and they are an important source of milk and dairy products for human consumption

молочна худоба, дойна рогата худоба

a breed of cattle that originated in Switzerland and is known for its dual-purpose nature, used for both meat and milk production

Симентальська, порода сименталь

a breed of cattle that originated from Scotland, and is known for their ability to produce high-quality beef

Червоний Ангус

a breed of beef cattle that originated in France and is known for its muscular build and lean meat


a breed of beef cattle that originated in Germany

Гельбвіх, порода м'ясних корів Гельбвіх

a breed of cattle that is a cross between Brahman and Angus cattle, known for their heat tolerance and marbling quality of meat

Брангус, порода Брангус

a breed of beef cattle that was developed in the United States for optimal beef production

Біфмастер, Порода великої рогатої худоби Біфмастер

a breed of cattle originating in the volcanic region of Massif Central, France, and known for their hardiness and beef quality

Салерс, порода Салерс

a breed of cattle known for their muscular build, fast growth, and high-quality meat


a breed of cattle originally from Italy, known for their large size and muscular build


a breed of domestic cattle originating in Switzerland, known for its good milk production and high-quality beef

бровнвій, Braunvieh

a breed of cattle that originated in Spain and is commonly used for rodeo sports due to its agility and speed

Коррієнте, Порода Коррієнте

a breed of cattle originating from the Tarentaise Valley in the French Alps, known for its hardiness and high-quality meat

Тарентез, Порода Тарентез

a domestic mammal of the cow family with long horns that is used in farming, originated in Asia

водяний буйвол, буйвол