Займенники та Означення - Універсальні неозначені займенники та детермінанти
Ці форми стосуються всього чогось, звертаючись до кожного члена цілої групи окремо або посилаючись на групу в цілому.
used to indicate that attention, actions, or attributes are distributed equally among members of a group
every single person in a group, community, or society, without exception
used to refer to all the members of a group of things or people
used to refer to every number, part, amount of something or a particular group
used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, when you are thinking about them separately
every possible option or individual within a group, without exception
used to indicate that something applies universally or without exception to all instances within a group
used to indicate that something applies individually to every single member of a group or set
used to indicate that something applies individually to each member of a group or set without exception