Освіта - Соціальні науки
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з соціальними науками, наприклад «історія», «психологія» та «політика».
a subject that can be studied in a school, university, or college, which involves studying written works such as novels, poems, and plays to better understand their meaning and significance


the scholarly study of music, encompassing its history, theory, cultural context, and performance practices


the subject of study encompassing the language, literature, and writing associated with English-speaking cultures

англійська, англійська мова

a wide range of creative disciplines, including visual arts, performing arts, literature, music, and film

мистецтва, мистецтво

disciplines aimed at fostering critical thinking, communication skills, and a well-rounded understanding of the world

ліберальні мистецтва, гуманітарні науки

types of art such as dance, drama, and music that are performed in front of an audience

сценічне мистецтво
a field of science that studies the mind, its functions, and how it affects behavior

the scientific study of human society, its nature, structure, and development, as well as social behavior

the study of the origins and developments of the human race and its societies and cultures

антропологія, наука про людину

the scientific study of the physical features of the Earth and its atmosphere, divisions, products, population, etc.


the study of the evolution and structure of language in general or of certain languages

мовознавство, лінгвістика
the academic exploration and analysis of political systems, institutions, ideologies, policies, and behavior, with a focus on understanding and explaining the dynamics of power, governance, and public decision-making

політика, наука про політику

the study of how money, goods, and resources are produced, distributed, and used in a country or society

studies that deal with people and their behavior such as language, philosophy, history, etc.

гуманітарні науки, гуманітарні дисципліни

a course study that deals with how societies work and the way people form relationships in a society

соціальні науки, соціальні дослідження

an academic discipline that explores various aspects of business management, including finance, marketing, operations, and organizational behavior

бізнес-дослідження, дослідження бізнесу