Všeobecný Trénink IELTS (Pásmo 8 a Výše) - Intelligence
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s inteligencí, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
quick to understand and judge people, things, and situations accurately

prozíravý, bystrý

possessing practical knowledge, expertise, or understanding in a particular domain

bystrý, schopný

having or showing good judgement, especially in business or politics

prozíravý, bystrý

displaying good judgment in different things, especially about their quality

rozlišující, prozíravý

adept at swift, effective decision-making or response in fast-paced scenarios

rychle uvažující, bystře reagující

involving careful thought, analysis, and intellectual engagement

cerebrální, intelektuální

characterized by extreme foolishness, lack of intelligence, or absurdity

moronický, hloupý

slow or reluctant to understand things or respond emotionally to something

otupělý, hloupý

characterized by a lack of intelligence, poor judgment, or foolishness

hloupý, tvrdohlavý

having a tendency to be forgetful, disorganized, or easily distracted

nepozorný, roztěkaný