Kollokationen von 'Give- Keep- Come' - Beziehungen & Kommunikation (Behalten)
Entdecken Sie englische Kollokationen mit „Keep“, die zum Ausdruck von Beziehungen und Kommunikation verwendet werden, einschließlich „in Kontakt bleiben“ und „auf den Punkt kommen“.
to keep something in mind
to remember or consider a particular piece of information or advice
to keep calm
to have control of one's emotions, especially in stressful or challenging situations
to keep somebody calm
to help or encourage someone to remain composed and relaxed, particularly in situations that may cause anxiety or stress
to keep something to oneself
to decide not to share a piece of information, an idea, or a feeling with others
to keep somebody to oneself
to limit someone's interactions with others, usually due to possessiveness or a desire for privacy

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