El libro English Result - Intermedio - Unidad 1 - 1D
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de la Unidad 1 - 1D del libro de curso English Result Intermediate, como "actually", "novel", "parent", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
a failure to correctly understand a question, remark, or instruction, often leading to confusion or conflict between people

malentendido, confusión
a word that shares the same origin as another word in a different language

cognado, cognate

a word in a foreign language that looks or sounds similar to a word in one's own language but has a different meaning

falso amigo, falso cognado

a device or piece of equipment for taking photographs, making movies or television programs

a way that enables someone to get out of a room, building, or a vehicle of large capacity

(plural) an organization that catches thieves, killers, etc. and makes sure everyone follows rules

the habit or act of breathing the smoke of a cigarette, pipe, etc. in and out

fumador, hábito de fumar